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You can go to your family doctor for a HPV check.

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Q: What kind of doctor diagnoses HPV?
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It could be a multitude of problems. You need to be evaluated by a doctor to get any kind of accurate diagnoses.

What do you call a person who diagnoses ailment?

Medical Doctor

What is the best treatment for HPV?

The best treatment for HPV is medicine and anti-biotics. It is best to see a doctor immediately if you suspect you may have HPV.

What type of doctor diagnoses tumors?

An 'Oncologist' specializes in tumours.

How does the birth control pill affect HPV?

The birth control pill has no effect on HPV but you should speak to your Doctor about this.

Are there HPV vaccines to prevent against all cervical cancers that may be caused by HPV true are false?

The hpv vaccine does not protect you from all strains of the hpv virus. Check with your doctor on what strains are covered.

Diagnoses on people who hit themselves?

People who hit themselves could have different diagnoses. It's best to ask a doctor this as they are qualified to diagnose.

Have a wart on your genitals that is not HPV?

All warts are caused by HPV, wherever they are found on the body. If it is not HPV, it is not, by definition, a wart, but is some other kind of bump.

What kind of diagnoses includes rapid weight loss fatigue and easy bruising?

Anorexia Nervosa, but you might want to go check this out with a doctor just in case it is something else.

Is there a special kind of doctor that diagnoses depression?

I think that any physician can diagnose depression even your general practioner. They may refer you to a psychologist if they think your depression is really bad.

Is an oncologist a scientist?

No, an oncologist is a type of medical doctor. He diagnoses and treats cancers.

What doctor diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestines?

GastroenterologistA gastroenterologist.