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I think the medical specialist would be a neurologist.

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Q: What kind of doctor treats nerve pain?
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How do you diagnose a pinched nerve?

A pinched nerve may cause pain, numbness, or tingling in a part of the body. However, other conditions can cause these symptoms as well. That is why it is important to see a doctor for proper diagnosis.

What can you do at home to relieve the pain in your leg from a pinched nerve?

exercise exercise

The pain jets up my back and down my right leg to my knee it is in my right hip chief area of Pain is this arthritis or a piched nerve?

You are expierencing what many wrongly claim as a pinched nerve. its not pinched at all. What is going on is that you have a nerve that is touching some sort of protrusion such as a disc. The nerve touches it and then sends what feels like an electrical schock down your leg, sometimes all the way to your tippy toes, sometimes stopping at your knee. either way, it hurts like hell. DO NOT go to a chipropractor. Go to a orthopedic Doctor only..get well

What causes chest pain with heart palpitations?

That sounds like heart disease of some kind; it might be atrial fibrillation. In any event, consult your doctor.

Why there's jaw pain in acute myocardial infarction?

The pain of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction is sometimes referred to the head and neck region. The mechanism for this effect remains obscure. A case is presented here that reports that electrical stimulation of a cardiac branch of the left vagus nerve in humans can cause referred craniofacial pain. This leads to the hypothesis that the vagus nerve plays a role in mediating this pain.

Related questions

What kind of doctor treats the stomach pain?

A gastroenterologist treats stomach pain.

What kind of doctor test for nerve pain?

yes it is a neurologist



Who should you see for nerve pain?

A doctor.

Which kind of doctor treats pain?

It would depend on what was the cause for the abdominal pain. There are many things that can cause abdominal pain, so it would fall under many different specialties. In general if you are having abdominal pain, you should see your primary care doctor. They are trained to diagnose most causes of abdominal pain and can send you to the correct specialist (if required), or treat it themselves.

What kind of doctor treats nerve damage?

Neurosurgeon --or some orthopedic surgeons... Specifically if you actually need surgery... otherwise a neurologist or pain specialist... Treatments for pinched nerves include medications, exercise, physical therapy, chiropractic, injections, and surgery. There are a wide variety of professionals who can perform these treatments.

How do you know if your back pain is an inflammation or a pinched nerve?

Talk to a doctor.

You have pain in your left buttock which travels down to your knee and foot what kind of doctor should you consult?

back problems causes this sciatica nerve runs down your legs causing this

What specialist treats shingles?

Primary care doctors treat the vast majority of shingles cases and can probably do everything you need. A neurologist can do nerve testing if there is some doubt about the diagnosis but cannot offer any treatments that your primary care doctor cannot also give. A pain specialist can offer more technical treatments, such as nerve blocks, if the pain is severe, chronic and not responding to medications.

What doctor treats ball of foot pain?

Treating your ball of foot pain would fall into the careful hands of a chiropractor. A doctor is not required usually, but if so, your chiropractor will send you there if their eventual diagnosis warrants a doctor's consultation.

What is the definition of backache?

Back pain is a kind of pain which may include muscle strain or pressure on the root of a nerve.

What causes nerve pain in the ball of the foot when walking?

There are many things that cause pain - see a doctor to find out which is causing your pain.