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Many experements were conducted, but the main experements were focused around nerve, muscle, and bone transplantation.

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Q: What type of experiments were performed at dachau?
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What are the Concentration Camps that conducted Medical Experiments?

Auschwitz had Joseph Mengele. Dachau performed High Altitude Medical Experiments and Buchenwald tested pharmaceuticals and incendiary devices on prisoners. See the Jewish Virtual Library's section on Medical Experiments for a good list of experiments and those responsible.

What can be inferred after performing the experiments in the atomic theory lab?

The answer to this question is dependent on what type of experiments were performed. All matter is made up of atoms, and they are very small.

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Sonar soundings.

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A Lab

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Who was in charge at Dachau?

Dachau was run by the SS.

When was After Dachau created?

After Dachau was created in 2001.

What can be inferred after performing the experiences in the Atomic Theory lab?

The answer to this question is dependent on what type of experiments were performed. All matter is made up of atoms, and they are very small.

How is theory developed?

Many different experiments are performed and repeated.

How is a theory develop?

Many different experiments are performed and repeated.

How many casualties were there at Dachau?

There were 40,500 deaths at Dachau.