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You can add Guppies, Mollies,Neon tetras, algae eaters,sword tails,and African water frogs (also known as African clawed frogs, but they don't claw the fish)to name a few.If you do add an African water frog, be sure to have a lid on your tank. To add flair, you can add mystery snails, clams or ghost or cherry shrimp. You can also put an angelfish or angelfish pare, but to be on the safe side, don't put anything to small in with it because any fish that has a mouth big enough to eat another smaller fish will usually eat it. Fish do all have their own unique personalities though, so if you get a shy angel he might not bother smaller fish. angels can get 7-8 inches long and 10 inches tall.If you plan to get mystery snails, don't add a clown loach because they will snack on the snails.

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12y ago
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12y ago

platies swordtails coradoras catfish plecostomous neon tetras snails

those r all what i for with mine nooooo goldfish ammonia goldfish produce kills guppies

main tank has 25 guppies 1 10 inch plecostomous 8 swordtails 6 platies 6 coradoras catfish 2 freshwater gobies 1 pink kissing gourami 1 small bala shark i got a biggg tank that's why i got so many in 1

i don't recomend the gourami cause they can be quite teritoria this 1 i got tok out 5 goldfish in 1 night so believe me when i say i was speachless when it was friendly with

the guppies but still would not recommend a kissing gourami into ur tank

bala when small can be nice they get 14 inches so when they start territorrial and bites would rather move it to another tank gouami has been in tank with my guppies for 2 years now hes a kind hearted 1 now he killed his mate too but im surprised he makes friends with my guppies and other fish

anyway those fish algae eaters tetras upside down catfish thoe too i got 4 tanks set up so if u get guppies expect triple or quadrupile in 1 year or 5 months deends on u raising em or not lol

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13y ago

Guppies are best kept in a group with at least three male Guppies and about twice as many female Fancy Guppies. Good tank mates for Guppies are Cory Catfish,Small Tetras Like Neon Tetras ,White Clouds, Honey Gourami, Ghost Shrimp, African Dwarf Frogs and Glass Fish.

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13y ago

guppies can live with alge eaters catfish zebra fish mollies platies other guppies gost shrimp(when ghost shrimp die your guppies will eat the body)angle fishand any other small fish.

I hope thos helped!:) long time guppy breeder


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Can a betta fish be put in a 5 gallon tank with 4 guppies?


Do guppies need a heater in a 5 gallon fish tank?

If the temperature is around 20 degrees (Celcius) probably not. But for a five GALLON fish tank, probably.

Can you have six guppies in a three gallon tank if you do frequent water changs it has a filter and a heater?

Its not recommended to do that, but guppies are very hardy fish. So if you were to make sure not to over feed, and to clean the tank frequently, then yes you could keep 6 guppies in a 3 gallon tank.

What are some good long living fresh water fish for a 20 gallon tank?

Betta fish, guppies, tetras.

What fish get along with guppys in a10 gallon tank?

Almost any community fish will do fine with guppies. Bettas are not a good idea with guppies because they will fight each other.

Can a red tailed shark fit in a 1 gallon fish tank?

No, red tailed sharks get too large to survive in a 1 gallon fish tank. Only very smally fish such as endlers or guppies, or a betta, would be ok in a 1 gallon aquarium.

Can you have guppies on 1side of your tank and bettas on the other?

Provided the tank is large enough to house them all (1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water) Guppies and Bettas should get along OK.

Will my six pregnant give birth in my five gallon tank?

If you have six pregnant guppies then yes, they will give birth in your five gallon tank. That tank is not big enough for all of them to live in and the guppies will keep having babies. You will have to give them away, sell them back to the fish store, or get a much bigger tank if you plan to keep them.

Can a beta be out in a 5 gallon tank with 4 guppies?


How many guppies can you fit into a gallon tank?


Can a molly live in a 3 gallon tank with 4 guppies?

I would suggest upgrading to a 10 gallon tank.

How many guppies can live in a 30gallon fish tank?

Guppies are usually 1 inch long, and a good rule of thumb is to have 1 inch of fish per gallon, so as many as 30 guppies will be just fine. Although, it might be nice to add some different fish occasionally.