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Q: What kind of food does a sea horse eat?
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What kind of horse can not eat grass?

A sea horse.

What kind of food do sea horses eat?

Sea grass and moss

What kind of food does a horse eat?

Horses can eat grass, hay, grain, apples, carrots, sugar cubes, and much more...Sea grass and moss.

What kind of food do western people have?

They eat all kind of things sea food planted food and many more

What other foods will a sea horse eat?

a seahorse eats seaweed that's they're main food to eat

Does sea horse eat SEA weed?

No species of seahorse eats any kind of plant or algae. Seahorses are carnivorous, feeding mostly on small crustaceans and shrimp. The size of the food they can eat is limited by the size of their snout (due to their tubular mouth, they cannot chew their food), so they cannot eat larger prey.

What kind of food do sea otters eat?

starfish, clams, and mussels

What kind of food do they eat in Caribbean island?

crab and anything in the sea

What kind of sea food Muslims are allowed to eat?

All kinds of sea food are allowed for Muslims to eat.

What kind the wine do you need to drink when eat sea food?

white wine

What do sea horse eat?

they eat magical unicorns in the sea and can fly

What kind of food did the pomos eat?

smoked salmon sea weed acorn mush