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I would avoid eating foods that have a lot of acid in them such as sodas, foods that have tomatoes in them, as well as some acidic fruits. Also if you eat something that triggers your acid reflux I would suggest drinking a little bit of milk. This helps me when I eat something with a lot of acid in it.

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12y ago

beans Hmmmmm why BEANS well it just builds up in your stomach also if you have fizzy drinks it makes it much Worse

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Acid Reflux is due to constant foods that cause heart burn such as fatty foods. Avoid fast food and foods that are deep fried or high on salt. In turn, try to drink lots of water.

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Q: What types of foods should someone with acid reflux avoid?
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what foods should my husband avoid due to his acid reflux?

HIgh fat foods, alcohol, spicy foods, and citrus foods are main foods to avoid if you have acid reflux. Sodas and caffeinated drinks are easily avoided by people who have symptoms

What kind of diet should someone with acid reflux eat?

People with acid reflux should avoid caffeine, greasy food, grains, sweets and acidic foods. Alcohol can also trigger heartburn, so it should be avoided. has a heartburn section that includes charts listing foods to be avoided, foods to eat with discretion and foods that are safe.

Learn How to Live with Acid Reflux?

If you are unfortunate enough to have acid reflux, there are foods that you can eliminate from your diet to ease the stresses of the condition. Avoid foods that are high in fat. These are the worst foods for someone with acid reflux to eat. Also, try to not eat as much dairy or fiber through the day. These foods are known to bring on acid reflux.

Diet for controlling Acid Reflux disease.?

Acid Reflux can be controlled by your diet. You need to avoid greasy foods such as fried foods and pizza. You should also avoid foods containing citric acid. Looking into an over the counter acid reflux control medication may allow your diet to be more flexible.

What does a refluz diet do ?

You should avoid spicy foods and foods that trigger your reflux. I would recommend a diet full of vegetables and fruits.

I have bad acid reflix which foods should I avoid?

If you have acid reflux, you should avoid any foods that are very acidic, such as citrus juices. Also avoid alcohol, vinegar and salad dressings, and anything especially high in fat.

What foods should someone with gerd avoid?

A person with GERD's wants to avoid foods that will cause acid reflux into the esophagus and sphincter. It is recommended to stay away from coffee, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, chewing gum as well as eating right before bedtime.

Is there a safe and health diet for someone with heartburn?

Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and when planning your acid reflux diet, it's best to limit or avoid completely those foods and drinks that result in acid reflux. There are some foods that have little or no potential for causing heartburn.

Is there a reflux friendly diet?

A reflux diet is a diet for people with Acid Reflux. It's basically just a list of foods that one can eat without getting heartburn, and I don't see any reason it wouldn't be safe.

What diet do you need to follow to control acid reflux?

Your main culprits for acid reflux will be spicy foods and foods with vinegar. When at a restaurant, ask if the food is spicy or has vinegar, and then avoid these foods.

What are some acid reflux foods?

Acid reflux can be triggered by various foods, most notably those that are spicy. In addition, acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges, or high-fat foods, such as poutine, can triffer acid reflux.

What are some recipes to prevent acid reflux?

Recipes to reduce the syptoms of acid reflux can be found at There are also certain foods you should avoid such as spicy foods, vegetables high in acidity, etc.