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Indeterminate. The growth rate of plants is extremely variable.

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you've just answered your own question, plant growth

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Q: What kind of growth describes plant growth throughout the life of the planet?
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Why kind of growth describes plant growth throughout the life of the plant?

the kind of growth is refered to as the indeterminate growth type.

What kind of growth describes plant growth throughout the life of the the plant?

The kind of growth that describes plants growth throughout life would be exponential growth. This is because it grows at a certain rate.

What kind of growth describe plants growth throughout the life of the plant?

The kind of growth that describes plants growth throughout life would be exponential growth. This is because it grows at a certain rate.

What Kind Of Growth describe plant Growth thoughout the Life of the Plant?

Indeterminate growth describes plants growth thoughout the life of a plant.

Which term describes the ability a soil has to support plant growth?


What word describes plant growth toward light?

positive phototropism

What word describes how well soil supports plant growth?

Texture is what is in my science book.

How do you make plants look fuller?

To make your plants look fuller simply prune the edges of the plant branches. This will make the plant send nutrients elsewhere throughout the plant to encourage more plant growth.

Do Bacteria Affect Plant Growth?

It increase plant growth.

Does photosynthesis have something to do with plant growth?

Yes photsynthesis has something to do with plant growth. This is because photosynthesis basically is plant growth.

What kind of a plant is earth?

Earth is not a "plant", it is a "planet" - a rocky planet.

What is tissue plant growth and how it is used?

tissue plant growth is the growth of small organism plant and it is used by growing it in a test tube