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Alkalyzing agents increase the effectiveness of Adderall. For magnesium, either Magnesium Hydroxide or magnesium chelate, or magnesium anything really. As long as the Mg2+ ion is formed, ampetamine effectiveness is increased.

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Q: What kind of magnesium do you take with Adderall?
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Can you take Adderall if you are allergic to sulfa drugs?

Yes you can take adderall. adderall is not a sulfa (short for sulfonamide) drug. Adderall contains a sulfate (salt) . This is very different from sulfa drugs which actually contain sulfur. the chemical structures of these drugs are very different. Sulfonamides have the structure (R-SO2-NH2) whereas adderall's structure is (C9H13N) so there is no cross-reactivity seen between these 2 classes of drugs. Look on the wikipedia site under sulfa drugs to see a list of all the (sulfa) drugs that would cause an allergic reaction. It shows a list of antibiotic and non-antibiotic sulfonamides. This does not mean that you can not have a reaction to adderall but it would be for a dfferent reason.

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Cardiovascular conditions are a contraindication for adderall. Therefore it is a NO NO.

Is it okay to drink milk to take adderall xr?

I'm no docter, but i heard that if you have more calcium than magnesium in your diet than there's a higher chance of you developing an unwanted tolerance to your ADHD medication.

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How many adderall can you take by mouth to get high?

if you do not have ADHD or any kind of tolorance for amphetamines anywhere from 10 to 30 milligrams IR should get you "high"

Does adderall make you starter?

Do not take Adderall if you have heart disease, hardening of your arteries, high blood pressure.