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You can use 1) natural thatch roof materials such as water reeds and 2) synthetic thatch roof materials. I recommend the latter if you are planning to put up a long lasting, durable thatch roof.

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Q: What kind of material should you use for your thatch roof?
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What kind of roof in assam houses?

Especially bamboo house in Assam have thatch roof.

What did the thatcher do in the feudal system?

A thatcher was, and still is, a person who makes a roof for a building using plant material. In the UK thatch is usually made from wheat straw (stalks). See

What is a thatch roof?

i dont know what that means You tell me ;P

What paint do you use to paint thatched roof?

Painting a thatched roof can be challenging. It is best to use a stain as it will sink into the thatch material. After you have applied 2-3 coats of stain, you will want to use a sealer to protect it from the elements.

What is a stone age roof made of?

A stone age roof would likely be made of thatch, which is a type of roofing material made from plant stalks or other natural materials. This would provide protection from the elements while being readily available and easy to construct. Stones may also have been used as support structures or to weigh down the thatch.

How was the homes made in Ancient China?

They used rammed and thatch on the roof and sides :)

For Medieval Times what was the roof called for a serf's house?

I am going to take that question to mean "what was a peasant's roof made of in medieval times?" The most common, and least expensive way, to construct a roof was using a material called thatch. A thatch roof is made of thick mats of dried vegetation such as grass, reeds, sedge, etc. When properly constructed it is water and wind proof, and also an excellent insulator, helping to keep houses cool in summer and warm in winter.

Can you think of a sentence using the word thatched roof?

Here's one The thatch roof was so leaky it was raining inside!

How do you use the Fronds in sentence?

You can use palm fronds to thatch,or cover, the roof of your hut.

What name is given to a roof that cottage is roofed with wheat and oat straw?

Thatch or thatched

What is Benin art made out of?

The typical house in Benin is built of mud, with a thatch roof, or else built entirely of a palm or straw thatch depending on where in Benin you live.

Why is a house with a thatched roof warmer in winter than one with a corrugated iron roof?

The thatch roof is thicker and a better insulator than thin corrugated iron.