

What tree does cheese grow on?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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14y ago

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there is no tree that cheese grows on cheese is dairy and comes from cows

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10y ago

it is made from milk... of a cow... it is not a plant

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Q: What tree does cheese grow on?
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The cheese fruit tree (Morinda citrifolia) is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae.

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yes mould does grow on cheese. take blue cheese for example

Is it possible for cheese to grow on trees?

The answer is yes and no - almost all cheeses are made from the products of the cheese tree, which is then refined and matured into cheese. This doesn't mean you can eat cheese straight off the cheese tree, of course!Some low quality (American and Afghan) cheeses are just made from the side products of cow milk or pig fat - these are mostly used in McDonalds and Kraft products.

Can cheese grow?

No. This might be a matter of semantics, but you don't grow cheese - you make it. Cheese is not a living organism that goes through cell division and mitosis. Cheese can expand through gas formation or can have mold or other organisms grow on or in it, but the cheese itself does not grow.

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mold can grow on old cheese

Where does cheese grow?

it does not unfortunately

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