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Sandy, sandy loam. Regosol. gypsic or calcic B horizon hardpan typical of the soil.

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Q: What kind of soil is found in thar desert?
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Where is the desert soil found in India?

Desert soils are found in northwestern India on the border with Pakistan in the Thar Desert.

Where is the Thar Desert found?

The Thar Desert is found in northwest India, on the border with Pakistan.

Can coyotes be in the Thar desert?

No, coyotes are from the Americas and not found in the Thar Desert.

In which country is the Thar Desert found?

The Thar Desert is found in northeast India and southern Pakistan.

Which are the major countries in Thar Desert?

The Thar Desert is found in India and Pakistan.

What desert borders India with Pakistan?

The Thar Desert is on the border between Pakistan and India.

Who was the first person who found thar desert and when?


Name the only desert found in India in the state of Rajasthan?

Thar desert

Where is the Thar Desert located on the map of India?

The Thar Desert is located in northwest India.

What is the desert near indias border with Pakistan called?

The desert is called either rajastan desert of the Thar Desert

Name some of the common animals found in the thar desert?

there are many animals in the thar desert. three of the animals are sandgrouse, jakal, and the dromedary/arabien camal

Why is the Thar Desert is separating?

The Thar Desert is not separating.