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That depends on the level of the vertebrae at which the defect occurs. Common surgeries for persons with Spina Bifida may include orthopedic surgeries, on the legs and feet, to improve position and usage, and bladder and kidney surgeries to improve function. Some may need an ileostomy to allow the passage of urine through a stoma on the stomach, if the bladder doesn't function well enough. Also many with Spina Bifida will need a shunt, a small tube to drain cerebrospinal fluid out of the brain, because hydrocephalus ("water on the brain") is common with Spina Bifida.

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There is no treatment or cure for this. Physical treatment can be used: closure of the defect in the first 24 hours, medications, and physiotherapy.

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What time of life are you affected by spina bifida?

Spina Bifida is a birth defect that affects the entire life. It doesn't go away. It can be treated, and surgeries and medications can help, but cannot get rid of the Spina Bifida.

Why won't a sore heal on my son who has Spina Bifida?

The reason sores don't heal on the lower body of a person with Spina Bifida has to do with there being less blood circulation in that area because of the Spina Bifida. But your son can see a specialist for wound care and that should help.

Is there any research being done to help cure Spina Bifida?

Spina Bifida is a birth defect, it cannot be "cured" once the person has it; it can only be prevented when the child is in the womb. But yes, there is research being done on Spina Bifida, such as research to understand all the factors that cause it.

Is a specialist needed to treat spina bifida?

Yes, a child with Spina Bifida will usually see an orthopedic specialist for leg problems, and often they will see a urologist for bladder control problems and any problems they may have with urinary tract infections, and may need to see a neurologist for shunt surgery if needed for hydrocephalus, which is "water on the brain." Spina Bifida can vary in severity, though, so a particular child may or may not need to see all these different types of specialists. Some may need more, if their Spina Bifida is more severe. They may need to see an Occupational Therapist or other types of educational specialists if they need any special help with schooling. Some children with Spina Bifida have no problem with school, others need special help.

What are the cures for Spina Bifida?

There is no "cure" for Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida is a birth defect which has permanent effects on a person's life. It can be treated, but not cured. The treatment may consist of surgeries to correct the alignment of the legs, hips, and back, as well as antibiotics for infections, help with bladder and bowel control issues, leg braces and crutches/walker or a wheelchair as necessary, special help in schooling if needed, and a shunt, which is a tube that drains cerebrospinal fluid out of the brain if the individual has hydrocephalus ("water on the brain").

Can you smoke weed if you have spina bifida?

Marijuana has not been proven to cause spina bifida. Having said that, the main causes of spina bifida are not well understood. It has been noticed that women who are deficient in folic acid tend to have a higher chance of having children with neural tube defects, but the exact mechanism has not been discovered.

What wheelchair should people born with Spina Bifida use?

If you were born with Spina Bifida and need a wheelchair you should consult with a Physical Therapist. They will measure you, assess your needs and recommend what you need. They will even help you with where to buy one.

What is the connection between spina bifida and folic acid?

Spina Bifida is an NTD (Neural Tube Defect) affecting the spinal column/cord. Folic Acid, also known as Vitamin B9 is known to help the develop the neural tube (spinal cord and brain) during fetal development. Women of child rearing age who are trying to get pregnant/are pregnant are encouraged to take higher than normal quantities of Folic Acid to help reduce the chances that their baby could have spina bifida. Women should start taking the higher dose at least 3 months before getting pregnant and then throughout their pregnancy, this is especially important for women who have a family history of spina bifida or have spina bifida themselves.

Does Spina Bifida go away?

Yes. It will require surgery at 1 to 2 days old to close the opening in the spine, then possibly a shunt, which is a tube to drain water off of the brain (hydrocephalus) and then during the rest of the childhood, orthopedic surgeries to straighten the legs and maximize their function, as well as possibly bladder surgery to fix any bladder control problem. The child may never walk or be able to control the function of the bowels and bladder, or they may, depending on the level of the paralysis.

Can Spina Bifida cause asperger syndrome traits?

Some children with Spina Bifida may also have other conditions, such as Asperger's Syndrome. There are some traits of Asperger's that are also seen in children who have Attention Deficit Disorder, and Attention Deficit Disorder is fairly common in children who have Spina Bifida. The child needs to be seen by a professional so the proper diagnosis can be made and the child can get the help he or she needs.

How does spina bifida affect your body?

There are 3 forms of spina bifida. Spina Bifida Occulta, Meningocele, and Myelomeningocele. The worst form Myelomengingocele is the most common and the effects can include learning disabilities and sometimes developmental disabilities (mental retardation). It affects 1 in 1000 babies born. 90% of them are born with the most serious form (Myelomengingocele). Spina bifida usually results in some paralysis/loss of control of the legs, bowel, and bladder, and is often accompanied by hydrocephalus (water on the brain).

Your first child had Spina Bifida could your unborn child have it too?

There is a slight increase of about 3% to 7% over the general population for mothers who have had a child with Spina Bifida to have another child with the defect. This risk can be reduced to 1% by taking folic acid(vitamin D) in prescription strength starting four weeks prior to conception through the first trimester.In the event the fetus does have Spina Bifida taking folic acid will also help reduce the severity of the defect.