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Radio telescopes are basically specially designed antennas. They don't "see" anything. They "hear".

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a radio thingy people hold in the army

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Q: What kind of telescopes do radio telescopes use?
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What types of telescopes can be used at any time of the day and in any kind of weather?

Radio telescopes; however, radio telescopes ARE degraded in bad weather. Electrical storms can damage them, and rain in the dish can attenuate the received signal.

What portion of the electromagnetic spectrum do radio telescope use?

The radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum uses radio telescopes.

Why do you use only two types of telescopes here on earth optical or radio telescopes?

Radiation other than light and radio waves hardly penetrates Earth's atmosphere.

Is the design of radio telescopes very similar to the design of refracting telescopes?

no, reflecting telescopes.

Do telescopes use energy?

Yes. It takes energy to move them in the correct direction. In home telescopes, this is done by hand (energy from your muscles), in large telescopes they use some kind of motors to do that.

Related questions

What kind of star can be detected by radio telescopes?

Radio telescopes detect stars known as 'Pulsars'. They're very small and also known as neutron stars.

What other kinds of radiation are detected by telescopes?

Researchers use all of these: -- optical telescopes -- radio telescopes -- x-ray telescopes -- infra-red telescopes -- ultraviolet telescopes

How radio telescopes differ from optical telescopes.?

Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.

Are optical telescopes much bigger then radio telescopes?

No they are not bigger then radio telescopes at all.

What items do they use in space that they use on earth?

Optical and Radio telescopes.

What types of telescopes can be used at any time of the day and in any kind of weather?

Radio telescopes; however, radio telescopes ARE degraded in bad weather. Electrical storms can damage them, and rain in the dish can attenuate the received signal.

What do scientists use to study radio waves traveling through space?

Radio telescopes.

How do optical radio telescopes operate?

As far as I know, there is no "optical radio telescope". There are, separately, optical telescopes (which work with visible light), and radio telescopes (which work with radio waves).

A device used to detect radio waves from space?

they use radio waves to pick up some what satellite images or existance of things in space

What portion of the electromagnetic spectrum do radio telescope use?

The radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum uses radio telescopes.

Why do you use only two types of telescopes here on earth optical or radio telescopes?

Radiation other than light and radio waves hardly penetrates Earth's atmosphere.

What is the difference between optical and radio?

Optical telescopes use either lens' (refractory) or mirrors (reflective) to magnify light. Radio telescopes use dishes to pick up radio waves. sensors on the dishes collect the waves and turn them into a picture