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"Pathological lying" is a symptom and not a diagnosable disorder in and of itself. The symptom might bring you down one of any number of paths diagnostically. In general, Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy or Dialectic Behavioral Therapy may be of some help. These are not the only possibilities. Med's would not have any effect on the symptom, but med's might be useful with whatever underlying disorders might be operating, depending on what they might be.

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Q: What kind of therapy do pathological liars need?
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What is the treatment for pathological lair?

Pathological liars are treated with behavioral therapy. The therapist tries to figure out what need lying fills and then replace it with a different behavior.

What should you do if you've been married to a pathological liar for 3 years and you recently answered a call from your husband's friend asking if you were over your operation but you never had one?

Pathological liars are like run away locomotives. They just can't stop! It's an illness and usually learned from childhood. Some children may have extremely strict parents, are made to feel stupid, unproductive, etc., and so, when asked if they did something they shouldn't have done will lie. The more under-lying factor about pathological liars is they have no self esteem and feel they need to dramatize their situation to look more important in the eyes of their peers. Pathological liars need therapy! I have talked to a couple of pathological liars and they openly admit they know they are doing it, feel really bad, but can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, men are usually very bad at seeking help for themselves, while if you bring this problem up to a woman who is a pathological liar they almost always will go and seek help through therapy to get to the bottom of why they do this. I would suggest that you sit and talk to your husband. Tell him about his friend phoning about that operation, and tell him it's "not normal" to act in this way. Ask him (mainly out of curiosity) why he would lie to his friend like that. Tell him if he doesn't go to a good therapist ( you go with him) and seek help you are leaving! Mean it! Good luck Marcy

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It depends on the kind of injury. The sport is irrelevant.

Is therapy on a rotator cuff for one hour?

Almost all physical therapy for ANY kind of injury is about 1 hour, based on the billable hourly unit (not how much therapy you 'need').

Are narcissist pathological liars?

Not all pathological liars are unfaithful. The question is: Do you think the pathilogical liar cheated on the spouse? Well, if you asked the pathological liar if they cheated on their spouse and they said no. Then they did, Because they are Pathological liars. Which means they cant help but to lie. But, if they said they didn't cheat on their spouse before you asked them? It could mean that they are not lieing. Its a catch twenty-two. They best way to figure that one out is to ask yourself, "Can I or should I trust a pathological liar?"

Does a pathological liar try to blame others on a regular basis for their mistakes?

Truthfully, the answer to your question would depend. I hope this answer will help answer your question. At a certain point in a pathological liar's life, they will lie for no particular reason. They don't really try to lie, but rather, they need to try hard so that they DONT lie. Being a pathological liar is a "bad habit" that is created due to something in their childhood. When pathological liars are caught lieing, or even vaguely accused, they will often react in a remarkable way. They will often react in rage, saying this such as "I cant believe you would accuse me like that". However, some pathological liars react in shock such as ".... why would you say that?" When a pathological liar is caught lieing however, often they will in fact blame you, saying things like: "I can't believe your making me feel so bad over such a small thing" or "Why do you always have to criticize me". They will only blame you if you question something that they've said. So, in conclusion, if by mistakes you mean "Flaws in their lies" then usually yes. (Revised answer) For pathological liars, they will not try to blame others on a regular basis. Rather, that is one of the reactions a pathological liar will have when caught lieing. They will usually respond in shock, realizing that they were caught, or with anger by saying things like "Why do you have to make such a big deal out of it?". I suppose the second typical response could be considered as blaming.

What is a person who has compulsive and pathological lying symptoms called?

A pathological liar has an unhealthy need to avoid telling the truth. This disorder usually requires therapy to change the person's mental habit of lying. the person will tell a lie and believe the lie he/she is telling you regardless of the fact that they know it is a lie, thus to say convinces him or herself to believe it.

What kind of therapy is offered in alcohol rehab?

In alcohol rehab emotional and family therapy is vital to recovery. Before going to rehab you will need to go through medical therapy until you are through with withdraw.

Why lie when don't need to lie?

Some people are pathological liars, meaning they have a mental need to lie, and some people are so used to lying that they just lie out of reflex. some people feel it is necessary to lie because they cannot see any other way. There are many reasons who one might lie when they don't need to.

What personal boundaries can you set with your spouse who is a pathological liar and if they don't stop lying where do you draw the line?

Pathological liars have a mental disfunction and they really need professional help. Pathological liars really don't mean what they are doing, but can't help themselves. They feel inadequate and usually want to appear more important in their peers eyes than they feel they are. Pathological liars like to bring in a bit of the drama and mystery to otherwise make a boring story of themselves seem more exciting. Usually Pathological lying can start from childhood. Perhaps the child was really abused, or, the child couldn't handle confrontation if they did something wrong, so it was easier to lie. I know many adults that will either lie or hide in their shell simply because they dislike confrontation or afraid of the outcome of their mistakes. You can't set boundaries for Pathological liars. It won't work. It sounds as if you really love this person so here is what you do: Sit down with them and have a good talk. Let them have their say first. Some Pathological liars will admit they know they lie, while others will be in denial. Either way tell them that you aren't putting up with it and that they need psychological help and if they don't get it you are leaving! Mean it! Tell them you'll be there every step of the way (if you really want too.) You'd have to accompany them to the psychiatrist/psychologist because they may lie about keeping appointments. If you feel this person is great in every other way, then go the full 100 yard dash and get them some counseling. You sound like a person that believes in their marriage vows and wants to do all the right things. Still, if your mate refuses help and their problem is destroying your marriage there is no shame in at least getting a separation first (to let them know you mean business) or, a final divorce. Good luck Marcy

What type of education do I need in order to become a physical therapy assistant?

In most circumstances, probably not. Going to school for physical therapy would probably be one of the requirements for this kind of thing.

where can I go in the area for IV EDTA Chelation Therapy?

Look at herbalists or any hosptial depending on the kind you want or need.