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You must use the EXACT Temperature thermostat for this car or it will constantly overheat. This is the same result if you use the high or low thermostat. If it is not printed on an underhood sticker, than consult the dealer. They won't have it in stock, but they can give you the correct temp ranged thermostat part number to cross reference. We cracked a head, and overheated several times learning this one.

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Q: What kind of thermostat should you use in your 1992 storm a high medium or low temperature?
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To replace a thermostat on a 1992 Geo Storm first locate the its housing. Once found drain the coolant system and remove the housing from the engine. Replace the thermostat.

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Insects move inside before a storm comes due to temperature changes. They can sense a drop in temperature before the approaching storm hits and seek warm shelter.

How do you check the thermostat on 1991 Geo Storm?

Remove it an drop it into a pan of boiling water to see if it opens

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Sometimes, a storm would run right along a Cold Front, so the air cools as the storm passes over. Also the fact that the storm clouds block the sun, that also may play in a change in the air temperature.

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tornado formation is not based on temperature, but upon storm structure. you cannot use temperature to determine tornados

Would a thermostat being bad cause overheating in a 1993 geo storm?

Yes a thermostat will cause any vehicle to over heat, just go to local parts dealer and get thermostat and replace it and if that does not work take to SAE trained professional techination.

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What is the temperature of a desert during a sandstorm?

The temperature would depend upon the season of the year and cause of the storm. If the cause of a storm is a cold front, the temperature can be quite cool, even cold, in the winter. Sometimes summer thunderstorms can stir up a sandstorm even on hot days. There is no single answer to your question.