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Viruses come in both prokaryotic an eukaryotic forms.

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Q: Which kindoms have only prokaryote type cells?
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Which cells type has the greater difference a animal cells or prokaryote cells?

prokaryote cells

Single cell bacteria are the only living things with prokaryote type cells?


Do all plants have prokaryote-type cells?

No. All plants have eukaryote-type cells.

What was the first type of bacteria on earth?

the first type of cells on the early earth were prokaryote cells.

Do plants have prokaryote type cells?

Not unless they have prokaryotes living on them, or in them! Plants are eukaryote.

What type of cell does not contain a nucleus or membrane bound organelles?

A simple cell with no nucleus are is called a prokaryote.

What type of cell has no nucleus and has 10 letters?

A Prokaryote is an organism which has no nucleus.

In what type of cells prokaryotes and eukaryotes does the cell cycle occur?

Are_bacteria_prokaryote_cells_or_eukaryote_cellsIt is a Prokaryote cell, while a bacterial cell does have a cell wall and a cell membrane, it lacks a nucleus. Organisms that lack a nucleus are called Prokaryote cells.Read more: In_what_type_of_cells---_prokaryote_or_eukaryotes_----_does_the_cell_cycle_occur

Is an coccus eukaryote or prokaryote cell?

Coccus is considered to be a prokaryote cell. This type of prokaryote cell has a round shape.

Does an aloe Vera plant have a prokaryote type cell?

no only bacteria and other things like that do

Cells without nuclei are called?

anucleated cells. Red blood cells are an example

How does prokaryotic bacteria work?

Prokaryotic is the only type of bacteria. And it 'works' or its proteins are made in the cytoplasm. So is its DNA, RNA etc. Nothing is bound in a prokaryote, which is the very definition of a prokaryote.