

What kinds of fruits and seeds did thE dodo birds eat?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What kinds of fruits and seeds did thE dodo birds eat?
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What is the food of dodo?

Dodos were land dwelling birds that ate seeds, and fruits that had fallen from trees.

What did DoDo-Birds eat?

The Dodo birds ate fruit and nuts

Did dodo birds go up the dodo tree?

The Tambalacoque tree,also known as the "dodo tree", was hypothesized by Stanley Temple to have been eaten from by Dodos, and only by passing through the digestive tract of the dodo could the seeds germinate; he claimed that the tambalacocque was now nearly extinct. The Dodo birds possibly ate the fruit of the "dodo tree" not the tree itself. Of course, the dodo bird is now long extinct.

Was the dodo an omnivore?

Scientists are unsure what the dodo's diet consisted of. Some sailors report seeing the dodo catching fish in shallow water pools. However it is likely that the dodo bird actually ate fruits and seeds. This would mean that the dodo was a herbivore or, if they really did eat fish, an omnivore.

What did the dodo bird eat?

The dodo bird ate mostly fruits and seeds. Occasionally it would swallow pebbles to help it digest the seeds. It did eat fruits from the Calvaria tree, also known as the dodo tree, or the tambalacoque. Right now this tree is going extinct. The dodos were its only way of reproducing, something in their guts fertilized the seeds as they ate them. Scientists are frantically trying to figure out how to fertilize the seeds without the dodos. I suggest that if we are going to clone an extinct animal, we clone the dodo. Fast. To save the tree.rock and metal and fruit of the dodo bird tree

How many dodo birds in us zoos?

DoDo birds are extinct (hence the name "DoDo")

Where did the dodo birds come from?

The DODO birds, now extinct, came from a DODO bird egg!

How many dodo birds are there now?

There are no dodo birds around now, they are extinct.

How do you fly a dodo?

Dodo's are flightless birds.

Which plant does dodo birds eat?

dodo birds eat fruit from the dodo tree. or they eat scraps of plant roots or rocks.

Were dodo birds colorful?

yes it had colors

Do dodo birds exist today?

No. The dodo died out in the 1600s. There is no evidence at all that any still exist.