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cattles ,pigs ,mice and dolly a sheep the first maMMAL TO BE CLONED

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Q: What kind of mammals have been cloned in recent years?
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Related questions

What prevents scientists from cloning humans despite the fact that other mammals such as sheep have been cloned?

there are many ethical problems involved in cloning humans

Has a scientist sucsessfuly cloned a human?

The only way a human has been cloned is if the government has done it secretly or the gov. doesn't know about it. Other than that no a human has not 'yet' been cloned. But they have sucsessfully cloned a sheep.

Why can Quagga's not be cloned?

A Quagga cannot be cloned because there are not any living animals in its species. The technology has not been invented yet for something to be cloned from DNA after it is extinct.

Successfully cloned animals?

animals have been succesfully cloned. if you watch animal planet alot you would know. NO OFFENSE animals have been succesfully cloned. if you watch animal planet alot you would know. NO OFFENSE

Which statements provides the most likely reason that a human has no yet been cloned?

The reason that humans have not yet been cloned is because it is considered to be unethical.

What is the size of ozone layer in recent years?

Ozone layer was depleted. It's size has been coming to normal in recent years.

Are clones angry?

No humans have been documented to have been cloned-so no.

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Have polar bears ever been cloned?

of course not

What plants have been cloned?

gay chicken nuggets

How many mammals have been extinct in the past 200 years in Australia?

17 animals have been etinct in the past 200 years

Has a dog been cloned?

A dog has been cloned it is a pitbull of a woman. and it was the first to be done. look it up, i think it was cloned five times