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It is the Dead Sea.

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Q: What lake is the worlds saltiest lake nd lowest elevation?
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What lake is the worlds saltiest lake and lowest elevation?

It is the Dead Sea.

Where you can find the saltiest lake?

Don Juan Lake in Antarctica is the saltiest lake in the world. It is 18% saltier than the ocean, while the Dead Sea in Israel is only 8%.The Saltiest non-Antarctic lake in the world is Lake Assal in Djibouti. It has a 40% salt concentration level at some of its lowest points. Oceans have an average of 3.5% concentration.

What are the highest and lowest elevation points in Oregon?

highest-mt.hood lowest-crater lake

Saltiest lake of India?

The saltiest lake in India is Sambhar Salt Lake. It is the largest saline lake in India, and it produces about 9% of India's salt.

What is the saltiest body of water and the lowest place on Earth with an elevation of 1349 feet below sea level and is located in between Israel and Jordan?

The Dun Jaun Pond in Wright Valley, Antarctica, has such a high salt content that it remains a liquid even at temperatures as low as -53°C (-63°F). At its Saltiest, the Lake's percentage of salt by weight is 40.2%, compared to 23.1% in the Dead Sea and a 3.38% average in the world's oceans as a whole. That's if you were asking "The Saltiest Lake/Sea in The World?" but Im not sure about your Details.

What is the lowest elevation point of Lake Wales Florida?

the Atlantic ocean

What is the saltiest lake in India?


What is lowest and highest elevation of Africa?

The Highest Elevation in Africa is: Mount Kiliminjaro in Kenya: 5,898.7 m (19,340 ft) The Lowest Elevation in Africa is: Lake Asal in Djibout: −156 meters (−512 feet)

What is the largest saltiest lake in the us?

Great salt lake in Utah

What is Sweden's lowest land elevation?

Sweden's lowest elevation is -7.91 ft (-2.41 m) below sea level. It's located in the bay of Lake Hammarsjön.

What is the lowest elevation in Australia?

The location of lowest elevation in Australia is Lake Eyre. It is 15 meters below sea level. The location of highest elevation in Australia is Mawson Peak, which is 2,745 meters above sea level.

What is maryland's lowest elevation?

The Lowest Elevation in Africa is: Lake Asal in Djiout: -156 meters (-512 feet)