

What lane is used most on a high way?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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ok 1st whats with the categories

2nd its the middle lane

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Q: What lane is used most on a high way?
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What is a diamond lane on a free way called?

That is the marking for an HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane.

Which lane is used when you turn left from a 2 lane street to a one way 4 lane street?

Normally you would turn into the lane nearest you.

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Maintain your proper lane of travel.

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What is traffic lane?

This is highly dependent on what kind of roadway you are on, and where you are driving. On two-lane highways in the US, the oncoming traffic lane is used for passing. Most states allow this type of passing outside of urban areas where it is not specifically prohibited. On three-lane highways in the US (not common anymore), the center lane is used for passing but is subject to restrictions (yield to uphill traffic, etc.). On four lane highways which are not freeways, most states allow passing only in the left lane in your direction. On freeways with a center divider and multiple lanes in your direction, most states recommend passing in the left lane but permit it in any lane. Some states do not allow passing on the right. A center lane which is a two-way left turn lane may never be used for passing in nearly all states. A shoulder lane may be used to pass a stopped vehicle when it is safe to do so in most states. There are lots of exceptions to the Uniform Vehicle Code.

What is a shared left lane?

A shared left turning lane is a lane found in the center of a two-way road that is used exclusively for left turn movements and may be used by vehicles traveling either direction down the roadway. It is NOT a traffic lane nor should it be used for passing.

How many students attend Gilmore lane elementary?

the number of students that attend gilmore lane elementary school on preston high way is 346 students

On a one way street what color is a broken lane marker?

Lane markers are only used on two or more laned roads. One way streets don't have them.

When the left lane of a two way road merges with the right lane who has the right of way?

The lane which remains continuous has the right of way; therefore, if the left lane is merging into the right lane and is ending, then the vehicle already occupying the right lane has right of way.

Does car in left lane or right lane have right of way if sign says left lane ends and only one lane to drive on?

If the left lane is ending, and merging into the right lane, then the car already in the right lane has right of way.

What do shared left turn lanes mean?

A shared left turning lane is a lane found in the center of a two-way road that is used exclusively for left turn movements and may be used by vehicles traveling either direction down the roadway. It is NOT a traffic lane nor should it be used for passing.

What lane wins most in swimming?

The lane with the fastest swimmer in it! Organizers typically try to put the fastest swimmers in the center lanes, but it doesn't always work out that way.