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Alot of Canadian school offer french as a langue to take but you dont have to if you dont want to it is very rare to find a school that does more than french

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Q: What languages are used in Canadian schools?
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Is there an LLB university course where you can also study 2 languages?

Canadian law schools sometimes offer courses in both official languages, particularly the University of Ottawa and the law schools in the Provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick.

Are Canadian schools similar to American schools Do Canadian schools have yellow buses cafeteria's long lockers halls no uniform cheerleaders etc?

Canadian schools are very similar American schools in a variety of different aspects. Canadian schools have yellow buses, cafeterias, long lockers, no uniforms, and cheerleaders.

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English is the top language used in Alberta, though most schools in Alberta also offer French as a second language, and French is the second-most used language in this province above all other minority languages like Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, etc.

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Many western Canadian towns offer French Immersion and francophone classes and schools. I think this proves how Western Canadians have accepted having two National languages.

Why are there 2 languages on the Canadian 20 dollar bill?

For the same reason there are 2 languages on all Canadian banknotes - Canada has two official languages, English and French.

What languages can Canadians speak?

Canadian and Canadian English, they also think they are French

What is an A in Canadian schools?

Do you mean in the Canadian language? Try the Google tanslator.

How do you say stop in Canadian?

"Canadian" is not a language. French and English are Canada's official languages.

How many languages can an average Canadian speak?

Most Canadian speaks English and French but some know more than hundred different languages. But Canadian first language spoken in the home is French.

Why are there two languages on the Canadian twenty dollar bill?

There are two languages because Canada's official languages are English and French.

Are Canadian schools similar to American schools?

Yes, Canadian schools are similar to American schools. They mostly differ in the study of history and geography because they focus on Canada's history as opposed to the United States history.

What is the education language in Afghanistan?

The languages of Education in Afghanistan are both Pashto and Dari.