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The stratopsheric region of the atmosphere contains the most of the ozone layer. The rest of the ozone is present in the lower troposphere known as ground ozone.

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Q: What layer cantains most of the ozone layer?
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Related questions

What is the atmospheric layer that contains the most ozone?

The layer of atmosphere that contains the maximum ozone is stratopshere. It contains most of the ozone in the form of ozone layer.

Which layer in the atmosphere contain most of the ozone gas?

See "In what layer of the atmosphere do you find the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

Which ozone layer does global warming affect most?

The ozone layer is a single layer. So there is no point of WHICH ozone layer.

What contains most of the ozone?

The ozone layer contains most of the ozone. It is present in the stratospheric region.The stratosphere contains most of the ozone.If that's what you were asking...

Ozone is most prominent in which layer of the atmosphere called?

Ozone is most prominent in Stratosphere. It is present as the ozone layer.

What is the ozone that separates the mesosphere from the layer below it is called the?

It is called ozone layer. It contains most of the ozone layer.

What layer contains most of are planets ozone?

which layer contains most of earths ozone

What layer of the atmosphere contains the most ozone layer?

Stratosphere is the layer of atmosphere. It contains the ozone layer. Ozone is the blanket on earth.

What causes the most damage of the ozone layer?

The chlorine from CFCs do most damage to the ozone layer.

What is meant by ozone layer depletion?

The ozone depletion is the thinning of ozone layer. It is most prominent over Antarctica.The ozone depletion is the thinning of ozone layer. It is most prominent over Antarctica.

What is the number of the layer that contains this ozone layer?

The ozone layer is contained in the stratosphere. This layer is the second to the bottom most layer.

Whae is ozone layer depletion?

Ozone layer depletion is the thinning of ozone layer. It is most evident over the poles on earth.