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In Act IV Scene 2 she tells her father she was at Friar Lawrence's cell. This is true. She says she met Paris there. Also true. She says that Friar Lawrence told her to fall prostrate and beg her father's pardon. This also is true. When she says, "I have learned me to repent the sin of disobedient opposition to you and your behests." This is the lie; she has learned no such thing. She does not lie about where she has been, but she does lie about her real thoughts and feelings.

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Juliet tells her father that she has been weeping over Tybalt's death when she has actually been grieving over Romeo being banished.

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I'm pretty sure your asking about the scene where Juliet comes home to her mother and father telling her that she will marry Paris but she refuses,

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no one in specific but the day that Juliet wanted to tell her father, her father told her about Paris and when she refused he was so angry and swore that if she doesn't marry Paris she won't be his daughter anymore. (anyway he wouldn't have accepted even if she told him because their family's -- Juliet's and Romeo's where like enemys )

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No, he only did so after he thought Juliet had been killed.

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Capulet tells Paris that he can marry Juliet during the party at the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 5. He gives his blessing to Paris and expresses his desire for Juliet to marry someone.