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Distilled water is simply purified water.

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Q: What liquids are distilled water?
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How do you use distilled water?

Distilled water can be used in school labs to clean apparatus before switching between chemicals. Like measuring pH balance of different liquids you would use a pH indicator and when switching between the liquid you would clean the equipment with distilled water before dipping it into another solution

What happens if an egg is soaked in distilled water?

An egg placed in distilled water will expand more than an egg placed in the salt solution because thee water concentration of the water in the beaker is greater the the water concentration of the egg.

Are there any difference between distilled water used for batteries and distilled water used for terbine washing?

No, distilled water is distilled water.

What keeps plants crisper distilled water or tap water?

Distilled water. It has less bacteria and chemicals in it than tap water.

Is distilled water a carbohydrate?

No, distilled water is simply water.

Why is distilled water a base?

Distilled water is not a base.

What is a sentence for distilled?

You should not drink distilled water as it lacks minerals which are beneficial for us.Make a solution of the salt in distilled water.

Is distilled water classified as a base?

Distilled water is neutral

Distilled water is an element mixture or a compound?

Water (distilled or not) is a chemical compound - H2O.