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Basaltic magma.

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Basaltic/mafic lava.

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Q: What magma is the most abundant type erupted at oceanic spreading centers?
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What magma is the most abundant type erupted oceanic spreading centers?

Basaltic/mafic lava.

What magma is the most abundant of erupted at oceanic spread centers?

The most abundant type of magma erupted at oceanic spread centers is basaltic magma. This type of magma has low viscosity and forms in the mantle part of the Earth that are high in iron and magnesium.

Basalt is the most common magma erupted along oceanic rift systems?

True. Reference:

What types of volcanoes are formed at spreading centers?

Volcanoes at spreading centers is referred to as spreading center volcanism. This usually takes place on mid-oceanic ridges where the plates diverge.

Why do oceanic rises and oceanic ridges exist?

They are located at spreading centers in the middle of the ocean. As tectonic plates move apart, magma fills it in and creates ridges and rises which are essentially mountain chains.

Why are there hot springs at the Galapagos Rift?

In 1977, scientists discovered hot springs at a depth of 2.5 km, on the Galapagos Rift (spreading ridge) off the coast of Ecuador. This exciting discovery was not really a surprise. Since the early 1970s, scientists had predicted that hot springs (geothermal vents) should be found at the active spreading centers along the mid-oceanic ridges, where magma, at temperatures over 1,000 °C, presumably was being erupted to form new oceanic crust. More exciting, because it was totally unexpected, was the discovery of abundant and unusual sea life -- giant tube worms, huge clams, and mussels -- that thrived around the hot springs.

How are rocks near continents different from rocks found near centers of seafloor spreading?

Rocks near continents(on the margins of oceanic basins) are generally older and rocks near a center of sea floor spreading are younger

What type of lavas are erupted at mid-oceanic ridges?

The lavas erupted from mid-oceanic ridges are called basalts. This lava contains quarts, feldspathoid, and plagioclase. Basalts has gray to black color.

What is this is the process of creating new oceanic crust?

Sea floor spreading

Which force is responsible for seafloor spreading?

Gravity in the oceanic crust is responsible for seafloor spreading.

What is the most abundant type of rock?

Igneous. Basalt is the most abundant in oceanic crust and granite is the most abundant in continental crust.

Deep-oceanic trenches are most abundant around the rim of the?

Deep-oceanic trenches are most abundant around the rim of the Pacific. Deep ocean trenches are surficial evidence for sinking of oceanic lithosphere into the mantle at a subduction zone.