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It's academic literature that is reviewed by peers. Namely books, journals and articles. The use of websites (except for e-books, e-journals etc.) is a grey area. It can and cannot be used under certain circumstances - such circumstances you will have to check with your tutor. If you stick to books, journals, published articles, you cannot go wrong. Hope this helps! :)

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You should check other sites to see if they have the same information. If they don't, you may have to do more research. But, if you put where you found the information, such as the URL or what book you found it in (ex., The Origin Of Species - Charlies Darwin, etc.) you should not be punished in any way.

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Q: How can you determine the credibility of a research source?
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How can you determine a source's credibility?

by checking how transparent the source's author is

What detail can you examine to determine a source credibility?

The authority of the author to write about the subject -Apex

Why would you ask where and when a source was published who wrote it and whether it was fact-checked?

to determine a sources credibility ~ apex

What are the parts of an annotated bibliography?

An annotated bibliography typically includes a citation of the source, a brief summary or description of the source's content, an evaluation of the source's credibility or relevance, and a reflection on how the source will be useful in the research.

What is most important about a writer of a research report determine about a source?

How valid the source is and if it will help the researcher prove their thesis by adding it into the research they are presenting.

What is most important for a writer of a research report determine about a source?

How valid the source is and if it will help the researcher prove their thesis by adding it into the research they are presenting.

What is most important for a writer of a research report to determine about a source?

How valid the source is and if it will help the researcher prove their thesis by adding it into the research they are presenting.

What is most important for the writer of a research report to determine about a source?

How valid the source is and if it will help the researcher prove their thesis by adding it into the research they are presenting.

How do you know which source is best for you topic?

To determine the best source for your topic, consider factors such as the credibility of the author or publisher, relevance to your research question, publication date, peer-reviewed status (if applicable), and how well the source supports your argument or perspective. Make sure to evaluate different sources and compare them before deciding which one is most suitable for your needs.

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How can you examine to determine a sources credibility?

To examine a source's credibility, consider factors such as the author's expertise on the topic, the source's reputation and publication date, and the presence of citations and references. Evaluate the source's objectivity, potential bias, and its alignment with other reputable sources. Look out for red flags like sensational language, lack of supporting evidence, and a lack of peer review.