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Inside the Retina the retina has two things that help the eye see in the dark and have colors. The one that can see in the dark is cone cells Inside the Retina the retina has two things that help the eye see in the dark and have colors. The one that can see in the dark is cone cells

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Q: What makes the human eye see in the dark?
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What is the function in the cones of the human eye?

Rods help you see in the light and cones help you see in the dark. They are situated in the eyes.

Why can't i see in the dark?

The human eye uses light to see. Light bounces off of your surroundings and into your eye through your pupil, the black hole at the center. A picture forms on your retina, the lining at the back of your eye. Your brain makes sense out of what you see. Without light, there is nothing to enter your retina and start the whole process going.

Is the komodo dragons eyes different from human eyes?

yes the komodos eye can only see up to 300 meters while a human can see up to 550 meters. and they can not see in the dark

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An atom is very small the human eye can not see an atom that is what makes it small.

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is the turn on things that makes you horney all the time

Is it possible to see in the dark?

Not with the naked human eye. The eye needs at least a little light in order to be able to see. With special equipment, we can measure things like infrared heat and "see" even if there is no light, but that's not really seeing because you're using machines instead of your eye.

Why cant the human eyes see paranormal things in the dark such as orbs?

To understand the reason, you have to realize the human eye has many, many more receptors for light/color than for dark/black and white. Some people CAN see orbs with the naked eye; but most of us rely on our 'sixth sense' to tell us when activity is occurring.

When was Far as Human Eye Could See created?

Far as Human Eye Could See was created in 1987.

Where do the different colors come from?

Different colours appear because it is the way the human eye perceives them. Colours have different wave lengths and human's eyes can see that which makes you see it as a colour. The thing that makes colours different is the size of the wavelength.

Can spider see in the dark?

No. Spiders have eye site just like you. If u cant see in the dark neither can a spider

What are the similarities of human eye and fish eye?

they both see

Cat's eye vs humans eyes?

It can see better, and it has a tapetum lucidum in the back of its eyes which reflects light and makes their eyes appear to glow in the dark. Their pupils adjust to get more light and see better in the dark.