

What male fish holds eggs in its mouth?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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11y ago

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Bettas and goldfish

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Q: What male fish holds eggs in its mouth?
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How will the arowana fish hatch eggs?

Arowanas are mouth breeders, that is, the male will carry the fertilized eggs in his mouth and protect the young once they hatch. See the link below for a good overview of this fish's reproductive habits.

Do fish have eggs?

Yes and no, but fish (tropical and salt) have different breading methods compared to pond and gold fish, some of the differences are: * Female lays the eggs in males mouth until they hatch (male cannot eat during this time) * Female holds the eggs in belly (somewhere?) * Male at birth turns into female at older stages to reproduce But answering your question most of the time!

Where do betta fish lay there eggs?

The male Betta builds a bubble nest at the surface of the water. The ova(eggs) are fertilised under the nest then collected by the male in his mouth as they sink. He then places them in the nest where he tends them.

How do stone fish give birth?

she goes up to the male stone fish who then starts to bite the tail of the female then the females baby eggs come out of the mouth

Does a female fish have to have a male fish to have eggs?

All female creatures develop eggs with or without a male. The male is only needed to do the fertilizing. So the answer is no.

Does a balloon fish have live babies or eggs?

Balloon fish lay eggs. They are then left for fertilization by the male. The male fish may help the female release her eggs by rubbing her side.

How do fish repreduce?

Most female fish lay eggs. Then the male will cover the eggs with his milt.

Do you need male fish to fertilize eggs?

The answer is yes. Fish do need at least one male in the tank to fertilies the eggs. However in some cases the fish will first lay the eggs then the male will fertilize them.

Can a goldfish lay eggs without a male present?

All fish can lay eggs without a male present. The male and female fish do not meet during reproduction. Eggs are fertilized only once they leave the female's body. The male will come later to fertilize them with his sperm after the female fish has laid the eggs and left

What male fish carries the eggs?

Seahorses do

Do the fish leave the eggs after they are born?

It depends on the type of fish. Some fish, such as cod and herring, abandon their eggs after spawning. Salmon and trout cover their fertilised eggs with gravel but abandon them soon after. Among ocean fish, female seahorses and pipefish lay their eggs in a pouch on the underside of the male. The eggs hatch inside the male's pouch. Some fish, including certain ocean catfish and cardinal fish, carry their eggs in their mouth during the hatching period. In some species, the male carries the eggs. In other species, the female carries them. The males of a few species guard their young for a short time after they hatch. These fish include freshwater bass, bowfins, brown bullheads, Siamese fighting fish, and some sticklebacks. But most other fish provide no protection for their offspring.

What can grow after a male fish fertilizes the eggs from a female fish?
