

What material did silk road use for trade?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What material did silk road use for trade?
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What did the Chinese use the silk road for?

The Silk Road was a trade route from China to the Middle East.

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The Mongols facilitated trade by the use of the silk road

Why Is Silk Road Important?

because the silk road is the route of trade for example ancient Chinese people go on the silk road to trade silk for cattle Because it allowed safe passage way for merchants to travel and trade without fear of being attac

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No, Ancient Greece was before the Silk Road. They followed the coastlines along the Mediterranean Sea to trade with shallow draft ships.

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it's the silk road

What did Paris use the silk road for?

Paris was not part of the silk road the last stop in the Silk Road was Rome.

What was the major result of trade along the silk roads?

The growth of the silk road was greatly impacted by the growth in technology specifically modes of transportation. As the ability to move from place to place improved more trips were made and therefore the increase of trade products and use of the silk road took place.

What road connected ancient china with the roman empire and later empires east and west?

silk road The trade routes that connected China to Rome and other parts of Europe were collectively called "the Silk Road" after one of the most valuable products that came from China along those trade routes. The German terms "Seidenstraße" and "Seidenstraßen"- 'the Silk Road(s)' or 'Silk Route(s) were first used in 1877 by a German geographer, Baron Ferdinand von Richtofen, who made several expeditions to China. The English term "The Silk Road" has come into general use but it is something of a misnomer; there was not just one route, rather there were several routes that might combine portions of land routes and water routes. Also, they incorporated trade routes to other areas of Asia including Southeast Asia and the "Spice Islands" in the area we now know as Indonesia. Usually these routes passed through other important trade cities along the way so they were not just trade between China and Europe; they traded goods all along the way.

How did the Chinese begin trading along the Silk Road?

Started when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in 130 B.C., the Silk Road routes remained in use until 1453 A.D.

How did silk road help people?

The Silk Road is the grandfather of globalization. It was the first ancient highway that facilitated the sharing of ideas, cultures, immigrants and commodities between Eastern and Western culture.

Why did Europeans look for a diffrent trade route to Asia?

The route they usually used was the Silk Road which was a trip through mostly Arab nations. On the Silk Road there were people who basically made you pay to use the road. It was expensive, long, and just too much to do.