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there r many reasons for delay in irregular periods...................apart frim pregnancy..





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Q: What may cause irregular periods?
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it may cause menstrual changes (e.g., delayed/irregular/absent periods)

Is it normal to have irregular periods?

No. But its not all that unusual either ... at least 10 % of women have irregular periods. You can get a work-up at your gynecologist, but some just don't have a cause.

What is wrong if you have irregular periods and didn't get your monthly period for a long time?

Many factors can influence the menstrual cycle. Stress, diet, and exercise can cause irregular periods. Hormone imbalances can cause them too.

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I have been suffering lower back pain on the left side and Irregular periods

Can stress cause you to bleed a week after your period?

Stress is a leading cause of irregular periods, so probably.

What to do to stop trembling hands which is the cause of irregular menstruation?

Trembling hands do not cause irregular menstruation. See a gynecologist if your periods are irregular. If your irregular menstruation has caused you to get anemia, that can make your hands tremble but not the other way around. In any case, this is something to discuss with your doctor.

You have irregular but you havent had it in months then get some spotting yet a pregnancy test was negative should you take another test if you still have not had your period but you show pregnancy si?

It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.

After a laparscopy in February you have been having your period every 6 weeks is this normal?

It can cause irregular periods.

Can smoking crack cocaine cause irregular periods?

yes i have experienced this many times its perfectly normal

What is aperiodicity?

Aperiodicity is the condition of being aperiodic, of something which may occur at irregular periods.

What does it mean when you have a brown dicharges for 2 days and never got your period?

Periods can be irregular, especially if you are young. Even in older women, hormonal imbalance or oncoming menopause can cause irregular periods. The two days of brown discharge are just your uterus being half-hearted about its lining and the shedding of the lining -- it's blood, just not fresh blood. Talk to your doctor about irregular periods if it bothers you -- there may be some medication or hormones that can straighten it out.

Does hyperthyroidism have an effect on menstruation?

Yes, it does. Uncontrolled ie untreated hyperthyroidism may cause irregular periods of shorter duration than is normal for the woman in question. The irregular period is also associated with lower fertility. Hyperthyroidism will not cause painful periods if the woman used to have pain-free ones previously. And as soon as the medication is working, her period will start to go back to normal.