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dog meat,snake meat and also monkey brains with sherk and donkey

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Q: What meat did Obama eat as a child in Indonesia?
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Did Barack Obama eat dog?

He seems to have tried it when he was living in Indonesia. While eating dog may seem shocking to Americans, there are some countries where people do in fact eat dog meat, although it is not as common as it used to be.

What food did Barack Obama eat in Idonesia that he cant eat in US?

Indonesian sushi made out of meat

What does a vegetarian child not eat?

Meat.. Of any kind.

Does Barack Obama eat flesh?

if flesh counts as meat then no and yes. Barack Obama is a Muslim and they don't eat pork its against their religion. but i guess he eats other stuff like steak and chicken.. idk.

Do Indonesians eat dogs?

Some indigenous people do, but mainstream Indonesians do not eat dog, on account that Indonesia is predominantly Muslim and Islam forbids dog meat.

What do Indonesia's eat?

we eat mainly rice, (you eat bread in the west, here its replaced by rice) stir-fried or soup vegetables, meat cooked with sauce or something typical, sometimes with fish and that's all.

What meat you eat?

i don't eat meat

What kinds of food in Indonesia do citezens of Indonesia eat?

Many delicious menu, basic diet in Indonesia is rice .

Are animals that eat meat?

If they just eat meat then yes. If they eat meat and plants then they are omnivores == No. If an animal eats mostly meat it is a Carnivore. A herbivore can also eat meat, but the primary diet will be plants. Herbivores and Omnivores can also eat meat.

Did the hopi eat meat?

Yes. They did eat meat.

What does Indonesia eat?

Indonesian food.

What type or food do carnivores eat?

usually meat as carnivores are meat eaters