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There is some evidence that poppy seeds can show false positives.

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13y ago

I heard that smart water has a chemical in it that if you drink enough of it, you will test positive cocaine but I never heard anything about medication.

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Q: What type of legal drugs will show up in a hair follicle test that show up as cocaine?
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can trazodone test positive as cocaine in hair follicle test?

No Trazodone would not appear as cocaine in a hair follicle test.

What exactly does a hair follicle test detect?

drugs and there metabolites that show it passed through the body.

Will cocaine shoe in a hair follicle test?


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Can phentermine be mistaken for cocaine on a hair follicle test or ua?


What if I smoked crack twice in the last 5 months last time being December 10 2007.will test come back positive for hair follicle?

The hair follicles will retain any and all drugs that you have or will use. yes anytype of drug use can found in the follicle. However cocaine can be found in the hair follicle as long as 10[ten] years.

What is a hair follicle test used for?

DNA or Drugs

How long can a hair follicle test detect cocaine from underarm hair?

Your hair expels everything that goes in your body, all of your hair.

What truly works on a hair follicle test?

Not doing drugs.

What will mess up hair follicle test?

Taking drugs

Does serenity show on hair follicle test?

Yes! i came up dirty for COCAINE!

Will you pass a hair follicle if you used cocaine 94 days ago?

Any hair follicle test has a chance of picking up any drugs that have gone through your system. But leg hair is an extremely low chance, as it is often shaved by many individuals and falls out often without notice. Hair tests catch you by looking back at the chemical makeup of your hair in layers, which become more recent as it gets closer to your skin. So if you were growing your leg hair 7 months ago, and that hair is still on your leg, they will pick it up in the drug test.