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The Monroe Doctrine was a message by the US that basically said "Leave the Americas to us." Us being the United States and the message was referred to Europe.

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Q: What message stated that European colonization in the Americas would not be tolerated?
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What message stated that colonization by European countries in the Americas would not be tolerated?

The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy that was geared toward Latin American countries. It stated that further efforts by any European nations to colonize land or interfere with the states in North or South America would be viewed as an act of aggression, and would require U.S. intervention.

What message stated the colonization by European countries in the Americas would not be tolerated?

The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy that was geared toward Latin American countries. It stated that further efforts by any European nations to colonize land or interfere with the states in North or South America would be viewed as an act of aggression, and would require U.S. intervention.

What was the main message of Doctrine and toward whom was it directed?

The main message of the Monroe doctrine was that European powers could no longer interfere with the newly independent states of the Americas (it was produced in 1823). It was directed toward all European nation.

What was the main message of the monroe doctrine and towards whom it directed?

The main message of the Monroe doctrine was that European powers could no longer interfere with the newly independent states of the Americas (it was produced in 1823). It was directed toward all European nation.

Who was the monroe doctrine directed to?

The main message of the Monroe doctrine was that European powers could no longer interfere with the newly independent states of the Americas (it was produced in 1823). It was directed toward all European nation.

What statement best describes the message of the Monroe Doctrine?

Americans would resist European interventionEuropean countries could not colonize South America.Europe was no longer allowed to colonize the Americas.Europe could no longer colonize the americas.

Christianity was introduced to the Americas by thee?

I don't know what your question means but I do know the Americas received Christ as Catholic Friars and Monks spread the Gospel message. Protestants came along later and spread the Gospel to the Americas.

What was the message of the Monroe Dotrine?

it wasa warning to European Nation not interferewith americans

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It was the center of trade because it stood in the crossroads of Europe and Asia making them in the center of trade, making them fabulously rich & wealthy. *This message was made by kels davis*

What does president monroe say about American involvement in European affairs?

In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport [fit] with our policy so to do. . . . We owe it, there- fore, . . . to the amicable [friendly] relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we . . . shall not interfere. . . . president Monroe's message to congress in 1823.

Could somebody give me a copy of Barack Obama's speech to students in September 2009?

look at website

What message was Washington trying to send to the people of the new nation in his farewell address?

He warned against involving the country in European affairs and 'entangling alliances'