

What metals dont rust?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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the metals that dont rust are gold, stainless steel and silver

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14y ago

Most metals rust but there are a few that are highly resistant such as Gold and stuff

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Why do metals rust in water?

metles dont rust in water they rust after in the water is dryed and the sun is the thing that rusts it because it is beating down on it so rapidly

Why do metals need to be protected against rust and tarnish?

Metals need to be protected against rust and tarnish because rust and tarnish eat metals.

Do all metals rust?

Only metals containing iron rust. Other metals, over time, corrode.

What air that gives rust to metals?

Explosure to moist air will form rust on metals.

What metals do not rust or degrade outdoors?

The metals that do not rust or degrade outdoors are diamond plate, gold, iridium, and platinum. Other types of metals can rust or corrode differently.

Does all metals decompose?

No not really, metals rust. However, rust can be considered metal decomposition (kind of).

What causes different metals to rust?

Light and water and Oxygen. Metals which easily form oxides, especially when wet, will rust.

Does diamond rust?

no rust mostly happens to metals and diamonds are not metal

Do all pure metals rust?

No, not all metals rust. Rust itself is iron oxide and comes about when iron metal oxidises; therefore only Iron rusts.

Is rust a protist?

Rust is classified as a protist. However, this is not the rust that occurs in metals but a fungal disease which is known as rust and smut.

The ability for metals to rust is a physical property of metals?

No, since rust is a chemical change (oxidation).

Do peoples body rust?

No. Iron or metals containing iron rust, but not bodies.