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chained to your desk

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Q: What metaphor or simile uses the word 'chained'?
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Is I felt like a cheetah when I ran the race a simile or a metaphor?

A metaphor

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That's a simile because it uses the word "as" and compares two different things.

Is as White as snow a Metaphor or Simile?

It is a simile because it uses the word an. Haha, I had the excact same question on my grammer worksheet in school. \ / _

Is this a metaphor or a simile Life is like a box of chocolates?

A simile. Because you are comparing life to a box of chocolates. Also, it is a simile because it uses the word "like".

Is a black hole is brighter than you a metaphor?

No, it's a simile because it uses the word than

Is ' the sea roars like a tiger' a simlie or a metaphor?

It is a simile because it uses the word "like".

Is the clouds were as white as snow personification?

No, its not personification. Its actually a simile since it uses the word "as".

Is this a simile or metaphor the surge felt like the blood was rushing to your hands?

A simile is a comparison which uses the words "like" or "as". A metaphor is a word which does use "like" or "as". Therefore, "The surge felt 'like' the blood was rushing to your hands" would be a simile.

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Is this a simile or metaphor the library is as quiet as the bottom of the ocean?

This is a simile because it uses the word "as" to describe the library. A metaphor does not use the words "like" or "as" to describe a noun.

'The pillow was a cloud when you put your head upon it after the long day' - is this a simile or metaphor?

This is a simile because it uses the word "like" or "as" to compare the pillow to a cloud. Similes make comparisons using "like" or "as," while metaphors make direct comparisons without using such words.

The breeze was as warm as a blanket is that a simile or a metaphor?

That is a simile because it is comparing the warmth of the breeze to the warmth of a blanket using the word "as."