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around 20 degrees Celsius on a good day id say

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Q: What might be the day time and night time temperature of a planet close to a low mass m type star?
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What might the surface temperature be like on a planet with no atmosphere?

It depends on how far away the planet is from a star. If it's close, it's hot. Also, if the planet rotates on its axis there would be a big day-night temperature difference.

The range of -173C and 427C?

This is pretty close to the temperature range on the surface of the planet Mercury. Cold at night, hot during the day.

Brightest planet at night?

The brightest planet at night, depending on phase, is Venus. Jupiter and Mars can be a close second, depending on the season.

Which planet experiences the greatest change between its actual day temperature and actual night temperature?

Mercury with a surface temperature of 700K in the daytime and 100K in the night

What is mercurys position?

Mercury is the innermost planet. Being closest to the sun, it is continuously pummeled by the solar winds. It is barren with extreme temperature differences between the day and night sides.

What is the temperature of day and night for planet mercury?

350 degrees in the day time 170 degrees in the night time

What is one of the causes of daily varations in temperature on a planet's surface?

The main factor is the planet's rotation that gives day and night.

What might surface temperatures be like on a planet with no atmosphere?

It largely depends on how close to the parent star (or sun) the planet is, but planets with no atmosphere will tend to have rather extreme temperatures. They will go from hot days to cold nights more easily as there would be no atmosphere to hold the heat from the sun, so they'll have a larger temperature range throughout the day/night cycle.

What is the planet Saturn's temperature day and night?

The temperature on Saturn is -180Cยบ, which is -292Fยบ. This may be cold, but Saturn is farther from the sun then Earth is. and because it is a outer planet

Is Venus' temperature fairly uniform over the entire planet both day and night?


Why do tulips close at night?

Tulips close at night , because when sun rises in the morning temperature of the atmosphere rises and rate of transpiration increases with the increase of temperature. so tulips cells loses water potential and become lose and become open. when day passed on and temperature become low than water potential increases and become tight so tulips close at night. Flowers also close their petals to keep out 'the wrong type' of insect. Flowers that close their petals at night are called 'photonastic'.

Why does Mercury have the most extreme temperature changes?

Mecury has the most extreme temperature changes because it is so close to the Sun, that it is the hottest planet in the solar system. At the same time, whenever there is a shadow or it turns to night, the coldness of space takes place. Mecury also does not have an atmosphere which cannot disperse the Sun's energy so the planet gets heated like a furnace.