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Object that only shine with radio waves and not in the visible spectrum an object hidden by dust that block visible light.

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Q: What might you observe with a radio telescope that you couldn't observe with an optical telescope?
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How many mirrors does a reflecting telescope have?

A reflecting telescope only needs one mirror, the primary mirror which will focus incoming light to a single point. A digital telescope might place the digital recording media directly in front of the reflecting telescope without any additional mirrors (although perhaps some lenses). For practical purposes though, most optical telescope will have a secondary mirror that will either focus light straight back through a hole in the primary telescope mirror, or to the side of the telescope. Some telescopes, especially the large ones in observatories will have several mirrors directing the light path to the observer or recording equipment.

What type of optical telescope has the potential to be made largest in power?

For amateurs, reflecting telescopes (with one parabolic and one flat mirror) can be made cheaply at very large sizes. For example, a $3000 telescope with lenses might be 4 inches wide and one with mirrors might be 16 inches wide. This also makes it possible to build massive reflectors for research purposes, like the planned 38-metre-wide E-ELT.

How do you build a telescope with waste materials?

Easiest to do would be a RADIO telescope. Get lots of chicken wire or fine mesh wire, If you have an old 6-foot satellite dish , the kind most people call "BUDs", Big Ugly Dish, then you can use this for the basic form. It would be at least theoretically possible to gather lots of clear glass bottles, and if you're a glass blower, it might be possible to make your own lens, or optical mirror. Telescope construction is a pretty well developed art, and there are lots of books on how to build your own telescope.

What effect might a hole in the ozone layer have on the receptivity of a UV telescope?

If this telescope were at the poles during this occurrence, it would see better.

What type of microscope aside from the compound light microscope might you use to observe the organisms found in pond water?

compound light microscope

Related questions

Which area of technology might be associated with telescope?

Optical engineering might be associated with a telescope.

What are the reasons the moon might be a good place for an optical telescope?

no atmosphere

What design variants might one see in an optical telescope?

Some design variants you may see in an optical telescope include telescopes that fold or divert the optical path with mirrors and telescopes that use special lenses to enhance the images.

Which power of a telescope might be expressed as 0.5 seconds or arc?

which power of a telescope might be expressed as "0.5 seconds of arc"?

Which planet can be seen in the night sky only with a telescope?

Neptune is the only planet in our Solar System that requires a telescope to see it.All the others are visible to the naked eye.Pluto, which is still counted as a planet by many people, also needs a telescope.

What is the name for the ability of a telescope to collect radiation from a star?

Please refer to the link below. This will take you to a web site that discusses this. Multiwavelength astronomy is dedicated to observing the various spectrums of radiation emitted. That is called its light gathering ability. The 'aperture size' determines the amount of light (radiation) a telescope gathers This site might help you obtain a more in depth answer IT IS CALLED "LIGHT GRASP" in an optical telescope and "RF GAIN" in a radio-telescope.

How many mirrors does a reflecting telescope have?

A reflecting telescope only needs one mirror, the primary mirror which will focus incoming light to a single point. A digital telescope might place the digital recording media directly in front of the reflecting telescope without any additional mirrors (although perhaps some lenses). For practical purposes though, most optical telescope will have a secondary mirror that will either focus light straight back through a hole in the primary telescope mirror, or to the side of the telescope. Some telescopes, especially the large ones in observatories will have several mirrors directing the light path to the observer or recording equipment.

Which scope might help you see the moon?


Which scope might help you to see the moon?


What type of optical telescope has the potential to be made largest in power?

For amateurs, reflecting telescopes (with one parabolic and one flat mirror) can be made cheaply at very large sizes. For example, a $3000 telescope with lenses might be 4 inches wide and one with mirrors might be 16 inches wide. This also makes it possible to build massive reflectors for research purposes, like the planned 38-metre-wide E-ELT.

What area of technology might be associated with?

There are 2, Astronomy and Astrophysics which might be associated with a telescope.

What might you do when you observe something out of the ordinary?

Reasearch it