

Best Answer
  • bones - calcium carbonate (limestone)
  • blood - heme (iron)
  • muscles - I can't think of one
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8y ago

Bones have calcium and phosphorus, blood has iron, Muscles have magnesium, sodium and potassium.

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Q: What mineral is used in your bones blood and muscles?
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What mineral is used in bones blood and muscles?

bones - calcium carbonate (limestone)blood - heme (iron)muscles - I can't think of one

What are the muscles that are striped and used to move bones?

The muscles that appear striped in microscope images are called skeletal muscles. All skeletal muscles are attached to bones of the body.

Which mineral is used by the body to build your bones?


What mineral the body need for strenuous activities?

Minerals are mainly used in blood, bones and teeth

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How many muscles used to swallow?

30 pairs of muscles

What mineral are used to make bones?

I think it's calcium.

How many bones does it take to smile?

43 "muscles" are used to frown...I'm not aware of bones used to frown

Are muscles attached to bones with cartilage?

The muscles that are attached to bones are attached by tendons. Cartilage is used as a shock absorber between certain bones and to provide structure in certain places such as your ears and nose.

How does calcium help your body?

1) The body needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages.2) Help release hormones and enzymes3) Help build and maintain healthy bones and strong teethIn the diet, calcium is the primary mineral in bone formation, so growing children need a lot of milk (rich in calcium) for proper development.In the water supply, calcium is a major factor in the development of scale and mineral deposits that can clog the plumbing system.So, calcium in milk is good. Calcium in water, not so much.

What holds muscles onto bones?

Tendons hold muscle to bone. (Ligaments hold bone to bone.)

What are the general features on bones?

General features of bones are called bony prominences and are used to locate muscles in the body.