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Hemoglobin is composed of 4 protein subunits and a iron (heme) unit in the center. Imagine a four leaf clover with the iron being the stem.

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Q: What minerals help make hemoglobin in red blood cells?
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How does hemiglobigan help blood function?

Hemoglobin helps blood function as the carrying molecule for oxygen. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells.

What blood carries what to our bodies cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to our body's cells. This occurs with the help of hemoglobin.

How do you use hemoglobin in a sentence?

all red blood cells carry hemoglobin to help transport oxygen.

Why does iron in your blood stream help us?

Iron in the hemoglobin attracts and carries oxygen to the cells.

What are mature red blood cells filled with?

Mostly hemoglobin, which give blood its red color. The red blood cells also help carry oxygen throughout the body.

How does iron help you in health?

Iron is essential for the formation of healthy red blood cells. They help make the hemoglobin molecule that carries oxygen to all the cells.

Major function of hemoglobin is to?

Help your red blood cells carry oxygen to other parts of your body.

What protein do blood cells use to carry oxygen?

Hemoglobin. It carries oxygen from the respiratory organs to the rest of the body where it releases the oxygen to provide energy to power functions of the body, and then collects the carbon dioxide to take back to the respiratory organs to be dispensed from the body.

What featuresof a red blood cell help it to fulfull their function of carrying oxygen?

Red blood cells contain Hemoglobin which carry oxygen

What are Blood molecules?

Plasma, water, cells (white and red) and platlets (contain fibronogen and hemoglobin to help stop clots)

What is the role of iron in red blood cells?

Lymphocytes Hemoglobin is the compound found in RBC. This carries oxygen. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that help fight off infections.

Which vitamin is important for hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the respiratory organs to the rest of the body by way of the blood. When someone is lacking in hemoglobin, the condition is known as anemia. Iron is an important vitamin for hemoglobin production, as it increases resistance to stress and disease and improves blood quality. Vitamin C supports the absorption of iron, so it is also necessary to have enough vitamin C for healthy blood.