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Raphael is one of the 7 archangels. He is said to have healed the earth when it was defiled by fallen angels.

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Saint Raphael is known for his healing miracles and for guiding Tobias in the Book of Tobit in The Bible. One of his most famous miracles is healing Tobias' father Tobit from blindness. He is considered the patron saint of travelers, the blind, and healing.

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Where did saint Raphael die?

Saint Raphael is an Archangel, not a human. Therefore, as Angels never die, Saint Raphael never died.

Is Rafael a saint's name?

Rafael is Spanish for Raphael and we so have Saint Raphael the Archangel.

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Saint Raphael is an archangel and had no need to attend school.

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Saint Raphael is also an Arch Angel. God created him.

Where was Saint Raphael created?

Raphael is an archangel and was created in Heaven.

What kind of life did Saint Raphael lead?

Saint Raphael the Archangel is a pure spirit and has not lived as a human.

What was the life of Saint Raphael?

Saint Raphael is an angel, an archangel. He is a pure spirit who has never lived as a human.

Who was Saint Raphael the Archangel?

Saint Raphael is one of the Seven Archangels in Christianity (along with Saint Gabriel, Saint Michael, Saint Uriel, Saint Selaphiel, Saint Jegudiel, and Saint Barachiel). He is mentioned in the Book of Tobit.

Who is the patron saint of healers?

Saint Raphael, or the Archangel Raphael, patron Sait of Travelers or healers

What saint was San Rafael was named for?

Saint Raphael the Archangel.

How can a saint make a miracle?

A saint has no power to perform a miracle. Only God can do that. However, a saint is in a position to request a miracle from God. That is why people pray to the saints.

Why was saint Raphael canonized?

St. Raphael was canonized because of his reputation for healing the sick, helping travelers, and being a protector of the vulnerable. He is considered a powerful intercessor for those in need, and his life and miracles have inspired devotion among believers, leading to his official recognition as a saint by the Catholic Church.