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Q: What mistake did America church leader make in relation to slavery?
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What mistake did American church leaders make in relation to slavery?

Failing to speak out aganist it.

What was the relation between expansion and slavery and what attempts were made to postpone conflict?

The relation between expansion and slavery was that as the United States was expanding westward, slavery was traveling with it, causing more and more debate of over this "peculiar institution."

Where did the opposition to slavery begin?

American opposition to slavery was inherited from earlier European antagonism to the idea. Western European Church lawyers of the Middle Ages came to the conclusion that slavery was incompatible with Christianity. This resulted with the abolition of slavery in some places. In England, for example, slavery was abolished by King Henry I, as a result of statements on the subject issued by the Conference of London in 1102. In the English colonies of North America, there was always some distaste for slavery resulting from the old idea that it was cruel and unchristian.

When did they kidnap the slaves?

In the early and late 1800's Slavery has been around since ancient times. The Catholic Church formally approved slavery in the 1400s and Spanish and Portuguese seamen took slaves from Africa at this time. Slavery was introduced into the British Colonies in North America during the 1600s by the Dutch. After breaking off from the England, Americans fought a civil way to abolish slavery in the 1860s.

The largest African American denomination after slavery?

Baptist Church

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Failing to speak out aganist it.

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Failing to speak out aganist it.

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The relation between expansion and slavery was that as the United States was expanding westward, slavery was traveling with it, causing more and more debate of over this "peculiar institution."

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