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Carbon dioxide, oxygen and some nonpolar molecules diffuse easily.

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Alvah Stokes

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2y ago
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Q: What molecule is able to easily diffuse across the cell's membrane?
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Gases diffuse most efficiently across what?

Diffusion of gases easily occurs across a membrane. The gases will have to be converted into liquids so as to diffuse easily.

What are 2 substances that diffuse freely across a cell membrane?

CO2, H2O, and O2 can all diffuse across a cell membrane. Also, small polar molecules (uncharged) and hydrocarbons easily diffuse across.

Why do molecules easily diffuse across a cell membrane while glucose molecules do not?

Glucose is too big to pass throught.

What type of compound would easily diffuse into the cell?

A hydrophobic molecules (such as a steroid molecule) can easily diffuse into the cell

What molecules would easily be able to diffuse through a cell membrane without the help of a transport protein?

Water, any small molecule and lipids.

Why do oxygen molecules easily diffuse across a cell membrane while protein molecules do not?

Cell membrane is semipermeable and oxygen molecules have size required for easy passqge while Glucose molecules do not have that size required for easy passage.

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Why cant polar molecules and ions diffuse across the cell membrane?

Ions cannot diffuse through a phospholipid bilayer because they are not able to dissolve in lipids, hence the phosphoLIPID bilayer . Also, since they have an electrical charge, they are repelled by the membrane.

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell but a protein cannot?

Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.proteins are too largeDifference in size

Why can carbon dioxide move easily through a membrane?

Carbon dioxide is a relatively small molecule, and can diffuse through semi-permeable membranes easily, providing that it moves down a higher concentration gradient.

What is an example for selectively premeable?

The phospholipid bilayer that composes the cell membrane is an example of a selectively permeable membrane. It only lets through small, non-polar molecules.