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Q: What molecules are the main eletron carriers of the kreb cycle?
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What molecule are themain electron carriers of the Kreb cycle?


What is removed from the molecules during the kreb cycle?

electrons, protons, CO2 and water. btw it is not "kreb cycle" but Krebs cycle (mr. Hans Krebs discovered it ;)

Which of three stages of cellular respiration is a cycle of carbon molecules?

The Kreb's cycle, which is the 2nd stage.

What are the electron carrier molecules of kerbs cyle and kalvin cycle?

Kreb's cycle are NAD and FAD

What is a product of aerobic respiration that will enter into and begin the Krebs cycle?

glycolysis yiels 2 pyruvate molecules that will undergo Kreb's cycle

Does the Krebs cycle produces NAD electron carrier's and carbon dioxide?

The Kreb's Cycle is a repeating series of reactions that produces ATP, electron carriers, and carbon dioxide.

What is the main fuction of the kerbs cycle?


What receives 2 molecules of Acetyl CoA and releases 4 molecules of carbon dioxide and 2 ATP's?

That would be the Kreb's cycle. Also known as the citric acid cycle.

What does the electron transport chain use the high-energy electrons from the KReb cycle for?

To make molecules of ATP.

What molecules both enters AND exits the Kreb's cycle?

Pyruvic acid enters and carbon dioxide exits.

How is pyruvic acid used in the Kreb's cycle?

Durning the Krebs cycle, pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions.

What are the four products that are released from the Krebs cycle?

After entrance of pyruvic acid into Kreb's cycle the four products are.. two molecules of ATP six molecules of NADH two molecules of FADH2 four carbon-dioxide