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Hemoglobin molecules function as the carrier in the human blood circulation system.

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Q: What molecules function as carrier in human blood circulation system?
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Do hemoglobin function as carrier in the human blood circulation system?


What does circulation?

Circulation is the pumping of blood and oxygen throughout your body. Your heart is the main organ in this process. Without the circulation system, you could not function.

What is the function of the capillary in the circulation system?

it separates solid and liquid particles to the vessels.

What is function of systemic circulation?

the circulation of blood through the arteries, capillaries, and veins of the general system, from the left ventricle to the right atrium

What is the main function of the circulation system?

To give out blood to all our body as we needed blood to survive

Why is blood circulation important in the body of a living thing?

to function ur blood system the right way.

Which circulation system disperses oxygen-rich blood throughout the body?

The circulatory system is the system responsible for delivering blood to your body organs. The heart and valves are important in the process of getting blood to the rest of your body.

The main function of the human digestive system is to-?

The primary function of the digestive system is to disassemble food we consume into its component molecules, so it can be used as energy for the body. There are many stages in the process of digestion.

How does the ostia function in circulation?

Ostia are openings into the heart in an open circulatory system that allow body fluids to return to the heart.

What occurs when substances move against the concentration gradient requires and the aid of carrier proteins?

Carrier molecules are molecules that play a role in transporting electrons through the electron transport chain. Carrier molecules are usually proteins bound to a nonprotein group; they can undergo oxidation and reduction relatively easily, thus allowing electrons to flow through the system. There are four types of carrier: flavoproteins (e.g. FAD), cytochromes, iron-sulphur proteins (e.g. ferredoxin), and ubiquinone.

What is the function of a circulation pump?

In my heating system the circulation pump pushes hot water around the pipes in my house to all ate radiators. Different systems will have different functions but generally to "circulate a liquid".

What is the function of the organ system?

There are many functions that are performed by a number of organ systems such as circulation. These systems also control nutrient absorption for example.