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Judaism. Yaaa..

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Q: What monotheistic religion was introduced to Mesopotamia around 600 BCE?
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Who created the first monotheistic Religion?

Zarathushtra (Greek: Zoroaster) probably created the first monotheistic religion, around 1700 to 2000 BCE. Thislong predated the shortlived monotheistic religion of Egypt and the eventual monotheistic Judaism of Judah.

What was the religion that was introduced around 1784?


Did Assyrians establish the first monotheistic religion?

AnswerNo. The Assyrians were polytheistic. The first monotheistic religion is believed to be Zoroastrianism, which began in southern Russia at least 1700 and possibly around 2000 BCE, and spread first to eastern Iran and eventually to Persia.

When did the concept of a single God first appear in recorded history?

The concept of a single god is known as monotheism. There are at least three contenders as the first monotheistic culture of the world.JudaismSome believe Judaism to be the first monotheistic religion. However, scholars now believe that Judaism, as a monotheistic religion, only became established in the middle of the first millennium BCE.King Hezekia (729-686 BCE) of Judah made the first real attempt, in historic times, to impose a monotheistic religion, but his son soon allowed Judah to revert to polytheism. King Josiah ( c. 640-609 BCE) re-instituted religious reform and, in his reign, a monotheistic religion seems to have finally become dominant among the Jews. So, the earliest real evidence of a monotheistic religion in Israel and Judah is during the reign of King Hezekiah.EgyptAncient Egyptians worship was a form of syncretistic polytheism, except briefly during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten , who became an uncompromising monotheist in the 14th century BCE. The economic distress that occurred at the end of his reign was seen as a warning from the gods and his successor restored the ancient beliefs.ZoroastrianismMonotheism was introduced among the proto-Indo-Iranian people of southern Russia by the Zoroastrian prophet, Zarathushtra (or Zoroaster), somewhere around 1700 BCE or possibly earlier.SummaryOn the evidence, Zoroastrianism was the first monotheistic religion in the world. The second was the brief Egyptian monotheistic religion that only lasted during the reign of Akhenaten. The third was in the Hebrew kingdom of Judah, during the reign of Hezekiah, but successfully re-instituted during the reign of Josiah.

What did pharaoh akhenaten do?

The pharaoh Akhenaten is most known for his attempt to bring about a monotheistic religion rather than the accepted polytheism. His worship centered around Aten, the sun-disk. This religion was ultimately rejected by his people.

Is judaism an old religion?

Judaism is around 4000 years old, and was probably the first organised faith to be Monotheistic (to worship only one God). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who tried to introduce monotheism to Egypt?

King Akhenaten instituted the monotheistic worship of Aten during his lifetime, but polytheism was restored upon his death around 1330 BCE. However, this may not have been the first monotheistic religion, since some scholars believe that Zoroastrianism was founded as a monotheistic religion even earlier than 2000 BCE.

What monotheistic religions was Muhammad familiar with before creating Islam?

I'm no scholar, so I can't say whether or not Prophet Muhammad knew a lot about the monotheistic faiths of his time, or was "familiar" with them. I can say he was at least aware of the only two monotheistic religions around, Judaism and Christianity, just as Jesus was aware of the only monotheistic religion of his time, Judaism.

What is the second largest belief in one god?

Statistically, it is known around 33% of the world's population is Christian, and it is monotheistic. The second biggest monotheistic religion after that is Islam, with 20% of the world's population a Muslim. It is debated by many whether Christianity is actually monotheistic, (because of the Trinity) but all Christian agree that there is one God, just in 3 parts.

First monotheistic religion?

The first monotheistic religion is unknown, but the oldest continuously practiced monotheisic religion is Judaism, founded approximately 2000 BCE. Zoroastrianism is a close second, founded approxmately arount the 5th or 6th Century BCE.

What are the similarities between Atenism and the monotheistic religion of Biblical Hebrews?

There are few known similarities between Atenism and Judaism, apart from the fact that both are monotheistic. And there is no evidence that either religion influenced the rise of the other. Atenism was imposed on Egypt by King Akhenaten in the fourteenth century BCE, but only lasted until his death twenty years later. Monotheistic Judaism appears to have its origins around one thousand years after the brief Egyptian experiment with Atenism.

Where did monotheism emerge?

Monotheism is not just one religion, and therefore emerged in more than one place and time:There is some uncertainty where Zoroastrianism, the most ancient extant form of monotheism, emerged, but probably in southern Russia around 1700 BCE or earlier.Akhenaten introduced a form of monotheism in Egypt in the second millennium BCE, but it did not survive his death.Monotheistic Judaism finally took hold in Judah around the sixth century BCE. Eventually, Christianity formed out of this milieu.The prophet Muhammad introduced a new monotheistic religion known as Islam, with Christian and Jewish roots, into southern Arabia in the eighth century CE.