

What months have cold wheather?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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13y ago

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The winter months for the hemisphere in which you live (Christmas time in the north and the opposite in the south).

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Q: What months have cold wheather?
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What does wheather puzzle mean?


Who studies wheather?

a meteorologist

Which is mostly studied by meteorologists?


The study of wheather?

Meteorology is the study of weather.

What types of weather does the sun cause?

hot wheather

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What is a quote about wheather?

Wheather the wheather is cold or wheather the wheather is hot we'll wheather the wheather whatever the wheather wheather it's wheather or not. And it will always be "not" because something you clearly forgot is that "wheather" is not a real word for the "weather" so that is the answer you've got.

What does wheather do to the soil?

weather u beleve it or not, wheather makes soil. When wheather is warm, rocks get bigger. When wheather is cold, rocks get smaller.

Are more students absent in December than other months of the school year?

Yes because of the cold wheather and the snow on the road.

What kind wheather does it have to snow?

cold weather

What does the wheather have to be for rye?

the weather has to be cold or wet

What is the wheather in Antarcitca?

Extremely dry. Antarctica is a cold desert.

Is the wheather in LIbya hot and dry or cold and wet?

Mostly hot and dry but can be cold an wet during winter but never too cold as snowing

What is the wheather like in the winter in the plains of west central of north America?

cold and snowy

Why did so few settlers live in France?

because the climate was cold,and it was hard to farm in the wheather

What is windy cloudy rainy and cold word describe?

they can describe the weather or climate

How is The wheather in mteverest?

Cold with very low pressure. The higher you go up it, the colder and less pressure there is.

How many months in a year have 28 days?

all 12 months have 28 days wheather a leap year or no leap year. hope this helps, Elliexx