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There are two main ones, the tricep and the biscep. The tricep bicep is on the inside angle as defined by your elbow, the tricep is on the outside.

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Q: What muscle is in the upper arm?
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What is a muscle that rotates the upper arm?

There is not a single muscle that rotates the upper arm. The name of the muscle that contributes in rotation of the upper arm is deltoid muscle.

What type of muscle is associated with the upper arm?

Skeletal muscle is associated with the upper arm.

What muscle in upper arm that extends lower arm?

The posterior deltoid is one extensor of the upper arm.

Is brachialis a muscle in the arm?

The brachialis is a muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint.

What you mean by tricep?

The tricep is the muscle on the underside of the upper arm. The muscle on the upper side is the bicep.

Where is your biceps?

Biceps brachii muscle, is a muscle located on the inside of the upper arm Biceps femoris muscle, is one of the hamstring muscles at the back of each thigh

The triceps are the major muscle of the calves?

No. The triceps is an upper arm muscle

What major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the?

Teres major muscle

What is the most familiar muscles of the upper arm?

The biceps is the muscle on the front of the upper arm; it bulges when you bend your arm at the elbow. The triceps is the muscle on the back of the upper arm. Note that "biceps" and "triceps" can be either singular or plural. It is incorrect to say "bicep" or "tricep."

How is the brachioradialis synergistic to the supinator?

it is a muscle that is in your upper arm

The infraspinatus muscle is a muscle that moves the?

lateral rotation of humerus (upper arm)

What muscle is shown when you get asked to show your muscle?

The upper arm contains the biceps.