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... basically it is the "levator labii superioris muscle". -roelbondoc

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Q: What facial muscles are used when sneering?
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What facial expression muscles are used in a surprise expression?

Facial muscles are usually employed to display surprise.

What muscles are used for winkswhistles and smiles?

Facial muscles, lips, cheeks, throat

Most facial muscles used doing what?


When you smile with your cheeks does that have to do with your facial muscles?

Yes, it has to do with facial muscles

What muscles are mimetic muscles?

They are facial muscles innervated by the facial nerve that, among other things, control facial expression.

What is facial synkinesis?

Facial synkinesis is the involuntary movement of facial muscles that accompanies purposeful movement of some other set of muscles.

What are cheek muscles called?

your facial muscles!

Explain why facial muscles are necessary?

the muscles in our face are necessary so we can smile and make facial expressions

How many facial muscles do you have?

There are 33 muscles in a human face. And no, it doesn't take more muscles to frown than to smile.

What is the nerve supply of the muscles of facial expression?

The facial muscles are innervated by facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). In contrast, the nearby masticatory muscles are innervated by the mandibular nerve, a branch of thetrigeminal nerve (V).

How many facial muscles do we use when you laugh?

14 muscles for smiling, and 35 muscles for madness

Why do you think you created the frontal lobe of the cerebrum in the same color clay you used to create the three muscles of the face?

It makes no sense because the facial muscles are innervated by the facial nerve. And this nerve comes off the brain stem.