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The internal intercostal depresses the ribcage while the external intercostals elevate the ribcage

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internal antercostal and pectoralis

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Q: What muscles depress the rib cage?
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Does exhalation occur when the diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax?

Yes, exhalation occurs when the diaphragm and muscles of the rib cage relax.

How the diaphragm and the rib cage move?

These are the muscles that move the rib cage and they work together:Diaphragm (Prime mover of inhalation). If you need to breathe deeper you will use these:Scalenes (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Sternocleidomastoid (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)Pectoralis minor (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)External Intercostals (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Internal Intercostals (Depress, assist in exhalation)The diaphragm is under both voluntary control (holding your breath) and involuntary control (sleeping, reading)

How are the rib cage made?

The rib cage is made of bones with intercostal muscles allowing them to expand and contract when breathing

What are the heart and the lungs protected by?

The heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage

What muscles do we use to get oxygen into our bodies and carbon dioxide out?

Here is the entire list:Scalenes (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Sternocleidomastoid (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)Pectoralis minor (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)External Intercostals (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Internal Intercostals (Depress, assist in exhalation)Diaphragm (Prime mover of inhalation)When you breathe out, or exhale, your diaphragm relaxes and moves upward into the chest cavity.The intercostal muscles between the ribs also relax to reduce the space in the chest cavity.

What large muscle located the chest respiration?

There are several muscles involved in breathing:Scalenes (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Sternocleidomastoid (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)Pectoralis minor (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)External Intercostals (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Internal Intercostals (Depress, assist in exhalation)Diaphragm (Prime mover of inhalation)When you breathe out, or exhale, your diaphragm relaxes and moves upward into the chest cavity.The intercostal muscles between the ribs also relax to reduce the space in the chest cavity.

What Protects the lung and heart?

The ribcage and muscles on the ribcage protect the heart and the lungs. The pericardium protects the heart as well.

The rib cage is composed of?

The rib cage is made of bone with intercostal muscles allowing them to expand and contract when breathing.

When the diaphragm contracts what contract and lift the rib cage?

You have small bands of muscles between the ribs in your rib cage (called external intercostal muscles) that contract when you inhale and pull your ribs up. ?These are semi-active during regular breathing. ?When you are exercising and need to breathe deep and fast, other muscles also jump in and help your rib cage expand, including your serratus anterior, scalene muscles, and sternocleidomastaoid muscles.But you are right in saying that the diaphragm does not directly lift the rib cage. ?During normal relaxed breathing, the rib cage mostly just expands on its own (the diaphragm causes your lungs to increase in volume, so the ribs just passively lift up to allow the lungs to expand). ?Only during exercise do your muscles (called accessory muscles of respiration) really do anything to your rib cage.

How many bones are in human rib cage?

A typical human rib cage consists of 24 ribs, the sternum (with xiphoid process), costal cartilages, and the 12 thoracic vertebrae. Together with the skin and associated fascia and muscles, the rib cage makes up the thoracic wall and provides attachments for the muscles of the neck, thorax, upper abdomen, and back.

When the rib muscles and diaphragm relax and the chest cavity becomes what?

When the diaphragm and muscles of the rib cage relax, the thoracic cavity becomes smaller. These changes occur during exhalation.

Where is the obliques?

Around your rib cage. They are accessory muscles of inspiration and join ribs together diagonally