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The manned moon landings of the late 60's early 70's were done by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States. No other nations were involved.

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Q: What nations were involved on the moon landing?
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What nations were involved in the moon landing?

The Apollo moon landings were the work on one country, the United States of America.

Who was involved with the 1969 moon landing?

The American space centre N.A.S.A was involved in landing an American on the moon by the end of the decade. As was told by President John Kennedy.

Who was invovled in the landing on the moon?

There were many thousands of people involved.

Who was involved in landing on the moon?

The American space center N.A.S.A was responsible for choosing which astronaut would walk on the moon.

Who was the first to stand on the moon?

Neil Armstrong was the first person to stand and walk on the moon. Armstrong was an American astronaut who was involved in the moon landing in 1969.

What is the value of first moon landing 1994?

There was no moon landing in 1994, the final moon landing occurred in December, 1972.

Who faked the moon landing?

The moon landing was never faked at all.

Was there a moon landing in 1977?

No, the final moon landing occurred in December of 1972

Where at on the moon was the first landing?

The first landing by man on the moon, was made at the Tranquility Base.

What happened on the first moon landing?

The first men walked on the moon after landing on it safely.

How many people watched the moon landing?

half a billion watch the moon landing

Quotion that the moon landing is fake?

The Apollo 11 moon flight and moon landing was never ever faked.